Why no one (myself included) mentioned it ... I guess it is a combination of people being somewhat reluctant to point things like that out (be it for the sake of not being annoying or something else), some of them being too used to those from seeing it in computer games to realize those are nonsense "terms", or didn't consciously register those... I know I tend to mostly ignore random errors unless my brain starts to spot them as reoccurring (excluding cases where I'm specifically looking for errors). The accumulating damage thing is a bit of a many-sided thing actually, and to a great extent the body's regenerative - and other - abilities tend to adapt (unless it's the actual ability to repair stuff that's broken). In many cases, you actually [i]can[/i] become adjusted to all sorts of additional drain and/or damage. Depends heavily on type of drain/damage, though... Some things will be compensated for, some won't, and some will only do so to an extent. (And in cases, the initial problem will be fixed, but something other undesirable will happen while the body is at it.) ...Damage- or otherwise conditional adjust can occur to the point where the [i]lack[/i] of damage can cause things to break due to overcompensation - such as in cases of suddenly stopping alcohol consumption actually being lethal for long-time severe alcoholics or, perhaps even more relevantly, how the lack of the usual Earthly background-radiation will cause weird side-effects and even quite severe illness. The latter is common for modern nuclear plant workers, I've read - in our attempts to shield them from the harmful effects of radiation, we ended up with places which actually contain only a marginal amount of the amount of radiation human bodies [i]expect[/i] to take. Thus, being-[i][b]not[/b][/i]-radiated-sickness... I'll add the entries once I'm home, then... Post I'll be discussing with Legion a bit before I write it up. (ASTA is still out of computer, so Claw will have to slumber some more.)