[quote=@Twilights Curse] right, they cant bite people and turn them, its not a curse its genetic, some got it some dont and it doesnt always "awaken" in those that do have it.. which is why some call it a gift or we can say the "moon's gift" to be chosen to become something more and that is awesome, cant wait to read it.. even if we've RP'd it still..lol [/quote] We could maybe, also for Vanessa, say that those who didn't awake their wolf, have the perks.. or one of them.. like: Seeing better, smelling better, hearing better.. For Vanessa her 'Perk'is that dogs listen to her even if they are the most hyperactive dog in the world. And I totally understand how you feel.. I did mention that I changed the country? Plus Vanessa's study will be in England or Scotland or something I think. Makes more sense for the no contact period I think :)