[hider="What Make you anymore of a hero then me"] Name: He Who Follows Murder (often referred to as Murder) [img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/46/13/b4/4613b4abb6d08baae95a11219c13ea92.jpg[/img] Species: an Eldritch Horror Who controls a Skeleton who appears as a Worm that walks Age: Impossible to count Gender: Referred to as Male Hero But is a neutral party in the end Weapons: A massive scythe [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/205/5/a/Draco__s_Scythe_by_SatinMurderer.jpg [/img] The swarms that protect him. Powers: As an eldritch horror he is able shift the shape of his swarms (For example he can cause a leech to suddenly sprout wings) Personality: He comes off as an unemotional or uncaring being, but in truth his unemotional state comes from the fact that his emotions are something that others are Latterly unable to understand even those of his own kind won’t understand his emotions, but what is understood is that he is passionate about his job. History: In progress Weakness: anything Holy will destroy the control he has over the Swarm that protect him and without them he is unable to control the skeleton that he resides in. Other: [/hider]