Usually at this time, Anita would be either half-dead with fatigue or completely buried in her texts. She was not one to come out into the town like this. Especially not this far out, by the sheriff's office. The Sheriff was a loud and wrathful man, and he put the fear of the lord in her quite fiercely. But regardless, she was here. Drawn by the commotion in town, as she was running her daily errands. She was on her way from having inspected one of the sicker townsfolk when the commotion went up and drew people into the field behind the sheriff's office. Gunfire and shouting, two noises that she absolutely deplored. Because of what she knew of the pain that came with, and of what she knew about having to deal with the resulting injuries. Bullets to be extracted, wounds to be tended and other such bloody labor to be done. And it would fall to her, in the way it always did. But, that was not an appeal that drew her as she was being drawn right now. No, her intrigue was peaked by the distant people engaged in the firefight. All against one other person. Even from her distance, with her eyes, she could see that something was wrong. Different. The lone man's movements were too fast, bullets hit him and seemed to have no effect at all. The gunshots rung out from the field and echoed in her ears. She wheezed nervously, throat itching. She had to get closer, but the gunfire made her feel like her heart was going to stop at any moment. But she had to see, this was a marvel in its own morbid way. With bag in hand, she moved forward slowly, sticking to the brush and undergrowth as best she could. Her shoes and dress were getting dirty, she could feel, but her care factor had already fallen beyond retrieval. She was close enough to see the man moving quicker than she could possibly imagine. His entrails being held in by what seemed to be will alone. No signs of shock, or the effects of blood loss. Curiouser and curiouser, as she saw the protrusions of bone from his fingertips. What on earth was going on here? She crouched low on the outskirts of the fight and reached into her doctor's bag, looking for her anatomical references. She must have left them back at her home. She looked again. This grotesque mockery of the human sciences was unnatural and unheard of. It sickened Anita to her very core. And at the same time... It absolutely fascinated her. The explosion however, did not, as the strange monster-man was quickly vaporised, becoming a fine ash mist. What had just happened, she did not know. But she had to know. She had to. The offending party, the ones who attacked the man, seemed to have injured among them. How could she know they were friendly? Did they simply hunt that man because he was deformed? Grotesque? Were they a band of extremists prowling for prey? As her mind rushed, her wheezing became more and more intense, devolving into hacking coughs that burned at her throat. If she didn't keep quiet, they might see her.