[center]Name: Seatus Also known as: King of all seas Age: Seatus- Unknown David- 35 years old God Status: God of the sea(s) Personality: Seatus and David are both no different. They're very protective, and strong not dealing with the crap people would give them. They aren't hesitant to face anyone that tries bringing harm to their friends or themselves or being disresepected. They have a temper like the oceans, where they can be calm and quiet but easily be triggered by anything that'll make them become angry and rough as the ocean during a storm. Parents: The Ocean Sexuality: Heterosexual Form on Earth: [hider][img]http://www.nerdist.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/jason_momoa.jpg[/img][/hider] True Form: [hider][img]http://www.kmistudio.com/blog/siteassets/gallery/other-stuff/TheKraken.jpg[/img][/hider] Powers: Intense Strength Summoning other creatures for support in battle Conjuring massive waves, to drown enemies. Weapon: The Leviathan Horn [hider][img]http://www.trocadero.com/svazzo/items/789329/catphoto.jpg[/img][/hider] The greatest creation of Seatus, he uses it to attack his enemies. It's a mighty creature whom will do anything his master bids him to do. He's loyal to Seatus but could easily be lost if someone carries the horn. When blown it simulates a Leviathan calling roar, which lures the creature to approach it's user. [hider][img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/89a6/f/2013/258/d/2/leviathan___sea_monster__by_jethawkz-d6mdt8a.jpg[/img][/hider] History (Pre-Earth bound): Seatus was made right from the seas, originally he looked similar to most of the gods having a humanlike appearance except he took an opposite turn in his life. Living so long in his domain, he transformed to having the appearance of numerous sea creatures put together, giving him a monsterlike appearance. Seatus filled his oceans with life, creating plants including animals such as fish whales, dolphins, sharks etc. The waves and tides were also in control of Seatus. Learning his special abilities, he created himself a kingdom and throne where he’d establish himself not only as a God but the King of All Seas. All sea creatures followed their king, he treated them well the only race he had to enforce his rule upon were the humans. While humans worshipped him, some would mock him by not paying tribute or desecrating his domain (the oceans) or killing his creations for sport. He would enforce his rule, by sending tsunamis upon villages or rough oceans to sink ships. Seatus used another method far worse, to make his enemies tremble. “The Leviathan” was it’s name a beast almost colossal as he is, with the blow of a horn he would come. These events were rare though, most people had saw it enough to understand he deserves respect or face his wrath. History (Post-Earth bound: Being pulled onto dry land, was devastating to Seatus. He was forced to take the form of a human, walking for centuries to watch as civilization grew ruining his domain. He could do nothing but watch hopelessly. Seatus was trying find a solution fighting, but every time he faced defeat desperate to return to Godliness. Seatus had left the army, he still went from human to human not giving in his immortal life. He was hoping the longer he lived, there could possibly be a chance he could go back. In 2015 he’s currently a young 35 year old man named David. He’s heard rumors of Brontes return, he believes if they are true there could be a possibility he could be King of all Seas again. Motive: Seatus want’s his power back, so he can restore the oceans and protect his creations from further harm by the humans. He’ll do anything to make it happen.[/center]