[b]WARNING: Some slightly NSFW. Gore and stuff, and near-nudity.[/b] Make-up, art, piano, singing, writing, crochet projects, etc etc. I'm just gonna post a bunch of stuff in here as I make it. [img=http://img.tapatalk.com/d/13/12/11/thumbnail/ajuzuneq.jpg] A fan art I did of 'The Stalk' from the Saga graphic novel series. Her character design is just so ridiculously creative. I love it. This drawing took me ridiculous amounts of time, and I'm so proud of it. [img=http://i.imgur.com/X990rJw.jpg] And here's a quick ten minute sketch of Tarzan. Basically my favourite movie as a kid. [img=https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/v/t34/1743656_10151954323488597_939911156_n.jpg?oh=0cfd7ce8b8a09697b60f7ce84cbb5dc9&oe=53084813&__gda__=1393031645_d249232d71c63b9606d2dc94cc0d9e7f] And here's a make-up I did yesterday. It's mostly glue and toilet paper, and then colours and fake blood on top.