Old retrieved Arena character. [u][i][b][h2]VERY Low Powered[/h2][/b][/i][/u] [hider=Vii-e, Muroy: "Bee-line"] [b]Prior Tier:[/b] 2-4. [b]Name:[/b] Vii-e, Muroy. [b]Alias:[/b] Bee-line. [b]Age:[/b] 7. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Race:[/b] Human. [b]Magic Classification:[/b] Wind. [b]Magic Ability-[i]Air Shift:[/i][/b] With his limited affinity to wind Vii-e can shift his trajectory and the course of his body or his weapon by subtle and oddly complex movements of the wind surrounding himself and his lance. He uses this quite often, to the extent that it feels the ability is much more intuitive than actually controlled by his conscious mind. In theory that is mostly correct, however occasionally he does use the ‘Air Shift’ to send small and very thin ‘blades’ of wind at his opponent/ or even a target of sorts. The reason the wind so readily adapts to his whims is because of a small, nameless wind sprite that is always in its energy form, meaning you can’t usually see it. [b]Classification:[/b] Warrior. [b]Height:[/b] 4’3. [b]Weight:[/b] SLightly above average for his height. [b]Personality:[/b] Like his fighting style, Vii-e’s personality is easily malleable and adaptable to actions taken by those around him. Strangely, despite his lower level of thought, his actions on the emotional playing field seem objective and played out. Everything he says and does feels calculated in some bizarre and utterly strange way. In the ways of his own preferences, Vii-e enjoys many things. Specifically he likes food, battle, and annoying people. Both in and out of combat, Vii-e tends to be annoyingly complex and deceivingly simple at the same time. Though everything he says is usually not observed down a couple levels of meaning, it could be if one had the time to think. He absolutely loves nearly anything baked and if he has free time he can usually be found somewhere off in a field of a forest enjoying the peacefulness of nature. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs25/i/2008/161/9/5/Boy_by_aszereth.jpg[/img] Pale blond hair that is almost a shade of brown due to its diluted dullness. The hair is flattened and rounded downwards around his head. His bangs go around his eyes hanging down a good inch or two the longest of them reaching the middle of his cheeks. He possesses bright, almost glowing, green eyes that always seem to contain a mischievous look in them no matter his own mood. He has a bit of a baby face and is often either called cute or made fun of for this. With soft features and a toned, but very limited, musculature, Vii-e is not really all that intimidating or even impressive to look at. This works to his advantage and he uses the façade of weakness to let himself appear even more harmless than he truly is. He wears a blue and fairly thin vest with a double layer of light aluminum chainmail concealed beneath it. He keeps his lance on his back and does not wear the pack in his ref pic. [b]Fighting Style:[/b] Natural lithe, fast, and agile, Vii-e is a boy who is incredibly hard to catch. Speeding around at the knee’s of his foes and using his incredible athletic and almost monkey-like agility to flit through the air and along obstacles and the ground itself he moves about. His movements are seemingly random in nature when in truth they are just simple reactions. He is neither primarily defensive nor offensive but rather alternates in reaction to situations. He tends not to plan things out because of his higher level thought process not having set in too well due to his age. He however moves in such a way that his next move is seldom seen by even the most tactically adept opponents. His movements can neither be described as straight forwards or graceful but he seems to just have a smooth type of movement. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Brute force, larger opponents, people faster than him. Powerful strategists, Fire and water users, and of course powerful piercing attacks. Getting hit is also a little bad for him. Long range users with high speed. [b]Nature:[/b] Wind, Nature(animals and plant life). Natural abilities: Speed, Unpredictability, Simply complex. He is Adaptable. Skilled at super close to mid range combat. Enclosed Space fighting. [b]Weapon:[/b] [url=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/254/6/f/lance_spear_by_andecaya-d2yhlvc.jpg]Lance[/url]. [b]Learned skills:[/b] Agility. Pole arm-play. Mind play. Magic.[/hider]