Name: Claudia Esper Appearance: [img][/img] Age: 18 Preferred Gladiator Form: Dimachaerus Bio: Claudia grew up with a sword in her hand due to her father being the general of Pompeii and him afforded no other children. She learned to utilize two swords when fighting and often was allowed to drawl her hair up high and cover her soft olive skin with mud and dirt to better fit in when a battle came to their door. She cared not for taking a life, but when it meant saving one of her people she was completely sold to give her all. The Centurum Empire enjoyed the fruits of Pompeii, the city having much to offer to its Emperors and council of patricians, but through word that reached the Emperors, the army itself was gaining to much power and could possible turn against the ones it served. In an effort to remind the people of their place below the mighty foot of the council of patricians, the guards of the Empire moved through the city late one evening taking all of the first born children, both female and male and stripped them of their identity and rights - selling them into the gladiatorial games for sport. The city learned its lesson quickly and Claudia found herself in a place and time that far underscored the life she'd dreamt of. She would learn to be a gladiator and she would fight her way to the death simply because there was no other option, but when the time came, she would stop at nothing to regain her freedom and the right to return to her people and her father. [hider=Info for Kate] Dimachaerus The dimachaerus (Greek διμάχαιρος, "bearing two knives") used a sword in each hand. [url=]info[/url] [/hider]