My internet is acting weird, so If I can't post later I apologize. However, I'm responding to everything that is up right now. [@McHaggis] Accepted! That's a very good character there! Post in the CS section! [@The New Yorker] Accepted! Post in the CS section! Also, some very interesting gear. [@ancient dragon] A fairly good character, and although her career is fruitful she is too young to fall into this roleplay. However, I did like how you kept mindful of the plot with your character's retinue. Consider increasing her age a bit. Also, she is a bit too similar to Fyldren. Can you think of some differences between you two? [@gloriousinfamy] Thanks for the help, and I'll be glad to see it! [@SPAssemble] Your character should be famous or legendary, but not a minor god. You should be in the top 10 of your class worldwide. Just keep in mind that these creatures we are going against ARE minor gods. I've played some D&D but I've never reached the late game. For example, Fyldren is considered to be powerful enough. Personally leading a small army out of captivity, winning against unbelievable odds. Doctor Facsimile can become (if he combines his abilities) a giant made of stone or he can walk into a dwarvern fortress and become a giant inside of it. Let's Say the powerscale/reputation is... [b]Mythic[/b] - You are the best in your class to ever appear on the continent, although you probably aren't put on the list because they want to avoid ranking an actual god. Peasants and kings may worship you, sorcerers call upon your power from another plane of existence long after your death, and the educated on other continents study you as an example. The only real difference between this and being a minor god is that a minor god is immortal where time concerns and slightly more powerful, although with enough power... [b]Legendary[/b]- You are the best in your class for a millennium. You would show up in a general history textbook, and are sung in songs throughout the world. Even the most illiterate peasant would probably know who you were. A large army would consider fighting you to be a serious challenge. [b]Grandmaster [/b]- You are one of the best in your class in the world. The peasantry from the lands you influenced the most would know about you, and the educated from other lands certainly would. Very few mortals would contemplate challenging you. A kingdom might consider you it's champion. Someone has probably given you a theme song. [b]Famous[/b] - You are one of the best in your class. Anyone interested in your profession would know who you were, and you are probably renown in the kingdom you reside in. While not the champion of your kingdom, you are on the hotline if anything goes wrong. I would consider all the characters submitted to fall into the grandmaster category. I would be okay with going up to the legendary category.