[hider=Sarel Drevan][center][u][sub][h1]Doctor Facsimile[/h1][/sub][/u][h2][sub]Sarel Drevan[/sub][/h2][sup][h3]Drow Master Alchemist[/h3][/sup][/center] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/1tGAfJf.jpg?1[/img] Sarel has very dark features, even for a Drow. He has dark bags under his eyes from the change in his environment, and the unnatural introduction of direct sunlight into his life. His eyes are a light silver, very much like his hair; the wisps of which swirl around his head more often than not. He has a defined musculature which stretches his ashy black skin. In some ways he is far more appealing than most other Drow, having soft, nonabrasive characteristics. [/center] [b]Actual Age[/b] 287 (38) [b]Race[/b] Drow [b]Gender[/b] Male [b]Rise to Power [/b] Sarel was forced to flee the Underdark, from his home, family, and friends, when his royal bloodline was usurped by a Fungal Valley Drow tribe. In the amount of time Sarel had to learn from his own kind he had developed an acute affinity for the sacred studies of the Drow; including biology, herbalism, and, most of all, alchemy. Emerging from the Underdark caverns was at first difficult for Sarel. He eased into the circumstance by behaving as nocturnally as possible, hunting and foraging at night while he studied and brewed in ramshackle shelters during the day. After a few decades of living like this, discovering new mixtures and blends, new elements to combine, Sarel could finally venture out into the daylight with minimal harm to his sight. As he discovered villages and towns during his journeys he found that there were always new ailments to cure, always strange, new conditions to experiment with. Sarel became very familiar with medicine and surgery in his efforts to make a living in the world above ground. As a child he trained with his father in fencing and pugilism, and those years of training stuck with him even to this day. As he roamed the countryside Sarel heard rumors of a rash of murders. As he investigated further he discovered that each victim that was found had the same sorts of incisions behind the ear and above the ribs. After negotiating a price for his efforts with the Duke of the land Sarel agreed to find the culprit. An autopsy of the bodies concluded that the murderer was harvesting organs: hearts, livers, and almost always parts of the brain. Even after extensive research and years of investigation Sarel could not find a potential lead. He was forced to abandon the search and move on. As Sarel adventured more, and met different kinds of people, he picked up even more vital information and skills. He found that he could bottle magical energy with very specific tools, this changed his life entirely. He began developing elixers which would hold in them the potential for some of the most powerful spells. With this new gamaut of abilities Sarel repelled a tribe of attacking Stone Giants, felled a Necromancer turned Lich, and captured a werewolf for experimentation and study. After curing the werewolf, and discovering his name was Gerald Newcastle, the doctor and patient developed a bond. Gerald agreed to follow Sarel throughout his journeys in repayment for his help in controlling his more wild nature. It was with Gerald that Sarel finally got a whiff of the trail he'd been trying to find since he began his romp through the above ground world. He heard rumors of another rash of similar murders, and, after investigating further, was able to find the name of a suspicious scientist by the name of Dr. Jacobi. When Sarel confronted him Jacobi attempted to flee. He summoned a massive flesh demon from his basement and nearly destroyed the city in order to get away. Sarel and Gerald were able to kill the doctor and his demon by transforming themselves. Gerald nearly died in his most powerful werewolf form as he defended Sarel, who was attempting to concoct a new potion with the help of the doctor's lab. Swallowing the shining yellow liquid Sarel was transformed into a massive, brutish version of himself. With this new-found strength Sarel ripped the demon's throat out and stomped on Dr. Jacobi's head. After several commendations for his valiant efforts Sarel finally received the payment from his deal with the Duke of the Green Ranges. He settled down in the city he helped to save, in order to assist in the rebuilding of it. After several decades of living and working as both an alchemist and medical practitioner Sarel discovered that he enjoyed the more comfortable side of life. In the end, it turns out that his entire journey was simply an effort to get back the sense of nobility and comfort. Once he found those things he ceased his journeying lifestyle and settled down as a researcher and Business owner. Now he simply creates the tools and weapons some adventurers like using on their own journeys. [b]Combat Skills[/b] -Expert Swordsmanship: Sarel has learned the most minute intricacies of Drowish fighting styles from his father and the many mentors he had over the course of his childhood. Beside this, Sarel has trained and fought with some of the most brilliant swordsmen above ground. Sarel's incredible ability to recall only enhances his ability with each talented swordsman he observes. -Quick Brew: Sarel learned that sometimes certain concoctions can only be made on the field, during combat. Because of this he keeps multiple elements of one elixer at the ready to mix at his pleasure. This means that Sarel is always able and willing to mix something up in the heat of battle if need be. -Bombs: Combining chemical elements are easy for Sarel. So creating explosions upon oxidation or kinetic impact are simple trifles for him. -Bottled Spells: Anyone can make a flaming cocktail, but Sarel knows how to make a fireball in a bottle. With his unique understanding of energy, plants, and animals Sarel can recreate the effects of many different kinds of spells with which he is familiar. These elixirs take much longer to concoct than an ordinary potion, however, and often come with unquantifiable side-effects. -The Brute: Perhaps one of Sarel's most notable potions is one of strength. He makes a great deal of profits yearly from this one product. These are distilled versions of a potion Sarel calls "The Brute". With this potion Sarel can change his physical appearance, strength, and endurance, while temporarily losing some degree of intelligence and wisdom. In the hours after the effects wear off Sarel is often temperamental, garish, and only slightly dumber. -Excellent Tactician: Being born the son of a King-General Sarel was taught the art of warfare, and the games a leader must play in order to win battles. With this keen logic Sarel is capable of viewing clear solutions to many of the problems he may face. -Dark Vision: Sarel inherited the traits of his ancestors, clear vision in near complete darkness happens to be one of those traits. [b]Hobbies[/b] Medicine & Surgery Foraging Alchemy Enchantment Research Culinary Arts (food and spirits) [b]Your Gear[/b] -Plated Leather armor: A simple set of leather armor on which the immobile areas are plated with a thin ebony. -Bracers of Protection: These bracers can create a protective shield several times per day when they are touched together and the wearer wills it. -Belt of the Stone Walker: This belt allows the wearer to pass through stone if s/he is in direct contact with the stone. In the same way, the wearer can transform his body into stone so long as s/he is in direct contact with it. -Alchemical tools -Essence capture calipers: These specially made silver calipers are capable of capturing magical energy, however it may exist, for transportation. Sometimes other substances are necessary for the transportation to work. -Jorvith 'Hral: In Undercommon the name roughly translates to "Doctor's Tool". It is enchanted with a powerful heat barrier, which protects the sword from damage and slices through most iron like butter. It is a straight edge long sword with a simple hilt. [b]Your retinue[/b] -Gerald Newcastile: A middle aged human with glistening yellow eyes. He possesses the ability to transform himself into an ordinary wolf, as well as a werewolf. [b]Retirement[/b] After purchasing a home in the city he helped both save and destroy Sarel opened up a business down the street from his quaint brownstone. It doubles as a pharmacy as well as a doctoring office. Though he has no living family he knows about, he has created a strong bond with the people of the city as he attempted to assist in rebuilding. Perhaps more important than that is his additions to the Guild of the Green Leaf, and the Arcana Imperium as a researcher and minor fellow. These guild memberships allow him a venue to publish interesting findings. He's developed quite a catalog since settling down. [/hider]