[quote=@Hansa] [@KaiserElectric] Yes, post here please [/quote] Gotcha! [hider=Blue Shift] Alias: Blue Shift Real name: Hat-kina Medyn Soor Age: 21 Gender: Female Appearance: [hider=Medyn Soor] [img]http://pre11.deviantart.net/9464/th/pre/i/2015/119/a/8/awaiting_orders_by_gulaschnikov-d3kqdjt.jpg[/img] [/hider] Standing just over six feet tall with an athletic but deceptively strong form, Medyn Soor looks somewhat human, but as a Xamenidian possesses many alien physical features, including solid colored eyes, light-green skin, thick tendrils in the place of hair, large digitigrade two-toed feet, long three-fingered hands, and the lack of a nose. Her arms, chest, and neck are also covered in striped tribal-esque tattoos. Her superhero outfit is loosely based on an alien pilot uniform she borrowed and failed to return,[url=http://pre08.deviantart.net/2c45/th/pre/f/2013/185/d/4/pilot_suit_by_adrian_w-d6bx7pr.jpg]seen here[/url], which she modified to suit her purposes. As well as modifying the suit to fit her Xamenidian body, she exchanged the black and red for blue and silver (respectively), ditching the loincloth in favor of a blue scarf, and upon arriving on Earth exchanging the full helmet for a lighter, more human-looking one not attached to her costume, which allows her face to be seen, although she protects her eyes with reflective black combat goggles, and allows her 'hair' to hang out the back. Her eyes and tattoos also glow with blue light when her powers are fully in use. When Personality: Medyn Soor is spontaneous and headstrong, always charging into situations and relying on her instincts and improvisation to get out of them. She is gregarious, quirky, and infectiously likable, and she won't hesitate to speak up when she sees something she thinks is wrong. She also has a flair for the dramatic and enjoys performing flash, acrobatic combat maneuvers over short and to the point finishing moves, and she would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy the popularity that comes from being a superhero. She chose to become a crime-fighter because she likes inspiring people with her heroic actions. She also forgives easily and is always willing to give a second chance, realizing that good people sometimes need to do bad things. Short Biography: Hat-kina Medyn Soor is an alien princess from the distant planet of Xamenid, a relatively peaceful world renowned for its beauty and culture. Finding the rigors of palace life stifling and boring, she regularly slipped out of the palace starting at a young age, exploring the lower class dwellings in disguise to watch the Stellaris Races, an immensely popular and incredibly dangerous sport involving high speed starship racing across the surfaces of dangerous planets and moons. When she was thirteen, she sneaked into a hanger to look at an experimental new Stellaris starship engine, but it exploded and the energy from the explosion gave her superpowers. She used her powers to become a Stellaris pilot at a young age, thanks to her heightened abilities, and became immensely popular and successful. However, a spiteful rival betrayed her identity and plotted to have her kidnapped by an enemy of her planet, only for her to escape and crash landed on Earth. Since then, she's hidden out on Earth and taken up the occupation of a full time superhero, finding it comparable to her old career as a Stellaris pilot. Powers, Skills & Equipment: Much of Medyn Soor's physical abilities were increased drastically after her accident with the prototype engine. Her strength, durability, and especially her speed, energy, and agility were boosted to what would be the peak of human condition. She is able to send a punch through a thin brick wall, deflect blades with her bare hands, move fast and accurately enough to dodge automatic weapons fire, and can remain active without getting fatigued for much longer then normal. Her mind also processes physical stimuli at a much faster rate then ordinary humans, meaning she can react to sudden sounds and sights much more quickly then expected. Outside of her superpowers, her species is also quite adept at swimming, and while her intelligence is unremarkable, she's pretty good with a wrench and knowledgeable about engineering, owing to her Stellaris Racing experience. Medyn Soor is also a veteran pilot, and has her own personal starship the [i]Im-Dra[/i], or the [i]Azure Wave[/i] in "humanspeak". It has no onboard weaponry and is not meant for prolonged combat, but as anyone who's seen the Stellaris Races can testify, the ships they use need to have some really good armor on them just to stay alive in the first lap. She mostly uses it for transportation, and occasionally utilizing it to propel herself into a fight for a suitably dramatic entrance. The ship also has a basic autopilot system which she can use to summon the [i]Im-Dra[/i] to her side. Weakness: Medyn Soor doesn't do well in arid environments. Her home world is heavily aquatic, and while her superpowers do keep her alive longer then normal, her superhuman abilities will degrade if she is dehydrated for too long, and she will eventually fall unconscious and die. Full Biography: [hider=All the Beans] Hat-kina Medyn Soor comes from the distant world of Xamenid, a peaceful, spacefaring world with a kingdom built on interplanetary trade. The Xamenidians are somewhat notorious for their strict caste system, which generally serves to separate the wealthy elite ruling class from everyone else, with said wealthy elite living in luxurious and beautiful locations on the planet surface and the lower and middle classes living in less desirable locations on the planet or in sprawling, cosmopolitan satellite cities far overhead. Medyn Soor was born to one of the wealthy families, and after a brief succession crisis put her childless aunt on the throne, she was named the crown princess of Xamenid. This of course meant that she grew up in the lap of luxury, with every need and want fulfilled and a guarantee of safety and comfort for the rest of her life. Strangely enough, such a life was never appealing to Medyn Soor, even at a young age. She never much enjoyed all the rituals and appropriate recreational activities for someone of her social status and craved something more exciting in her life. Such an idea seemed hopeless, but when she was eight years old and attending yet another gala thrown to impress and entertain a foreign dignitary, she happened to meet the dignitary's teen-aged daughter, who promised to show her something really exciting. Smuggling her off the planet to one of the massive urban satellites overhead, the dignitary's daughter took a disguised Medyn Soor to see the Stellaris Racing competition held that day. The Stellaris races were an immensely popular sport all across the known galaxy, involving high-speed and incredibly dangerous starship races across strange alien worlds and landscapes, and Medyn Soor fell in love with them almost instantly. She began following all the races with a religious fervor, regularly sneaking out of the palace to watch them in secret , learning by heart all the technical terminology behind the races, and secretly dreaming that one day she would get the chance to race herself. She also became more comfortable with the crime-rife, squalid environments of the satellite cities, over time even beginning to see them as a second home and even making a few friends with the "unwashed masses", as some of her auntie's courtiers called them. Then when she was thirteen, she heard rumors that her favorite Stellaris pilot was going to be debuting an experimental prototype engine, she knew she just had to get a look at it before everyone else did. Her plan was simple. She would "borrow" a pilot uniform to wear, sneak into the hanger where the car was kept, and fawn over the fancy new hardware. Everything went as planned, and donned in the form-fitting red suit, she crept into the secret hanger and saw the blue glow of the new engine for the very first time. Mere sightseeing wasn't enough for her though, so she quickly jumped into the pilot seat to switch it on, eager to see the new engine running. The engine roared to life, and Medyn Soor was ecstatic, happily gunning the engine a little bit to listen to the sound of it running. When she got out of the vehicle, however, her foot caught on one of the control levers which accidentally backed the vehicle into the wall, cracking the engine casing, throwing her against the wall, and alerting the staff two rooms over to her presence. Panicking and shell-shocked, Medyn Soor scrambled to her feet and tried to scan the room for an escape route, before hearing a strange hissing noise and turning to look at the damaged engine. She barely had time to utter a swearword before the engine block exploded, showering her with the blue plasma powering the ex-engine, transforming her body and propelling her through two sets of walls. The blue plasma worked quickly, and in her blind panic Medyn Soor didn't even realize that the she was unharmed and still on her feet after being propelled through the walls, and simply ran away, only pausing when she realized that she had been running nonstop for much longer than normal, and wasn't even out of breath yet. Overwhelmed by her new super-senses, she tore off the helmet and clutched at her head in confusion, then got a glance at her reflection in a puddle of fetid water on the ground. She didn't have a scratch on her from the chaotic explosion, and her eyes were glowing blue. It took her a month or two to come to terms with her strange new abilities, and learning to use them while also learning to control them and keep them hidden from her royal family took even longer, but when she felt she had mastered said abilities, she began thinking of what she could us them for. Looking at the pilot suit she still had from when she was involved in the accident that gave Medyn Soor her new abilities, she got a very interesting idea. She had come to terms with the fact that she would never be able to become a Stellaris pilot a while ago, understanding that by the time she became old enough to even begin training, she would not be able to balance that with her royal duties, and even if she could, such a huge breach of class structures would create a scandal big enough to bring down the entire monarchy, and Medyn Soor would never forgive herself for doing that. But now? With her new abilities, she could easily be a match for the honed reflexes and veteran instincts of the best Stellaris pilots, perhaps even surpassing them, so why not use them for a few years of living out a pipe dream before she settled into monarchical rule? Realizing she needed a disguise, Medyn Soor planned out her alternate identity as a mysterious new Stellaris Racer from a distant planet far beyond known space, tailored the "borrowed" pilot suit to fit her and match her new blue color scheme, selling some of her ugly yet expensive dresses to get the money for a starship, and entered in the next Stellaris Races as the mysterious and heroic Blue Shift. Blue Shift became an overnight sensation in the Xamenidian League Circuit after the very first race, coming in third place ahead of many experienced Stellaris pilots. No newcomer had ever finished so far ahead on their first match, let alone one that was as young as she was. For five years Blue Shift became a public sensation, appearing only to compete in the races, wowing spectators with death-defying stunts and impossible come from behind finishes, and vanishing shortly afterwards. Medyn Soor could not be happier with her secret identity of a famous Stellaris pilot, and she loved not only the thrill of the races or the prestige of victory, but the inspiration that her victories gave the downtrodden people of Xamenid. And of course her royal family had no idea what she was doing, they were just happy that she was so happy all the time. But of course, this was an arrangement that wasn't meant to last. Most of the other Stellaris pilots liked or at least begrudingingly respected Blue Shift, admiring her commitment to the sport at such a young age and her charismatic attitude. The Stellaris pilot and noble Merco de Vesocia, however despised the young upstart, no matter how talented she was. She had snatched first place from his clutches one too many times, and his hatred for the populist brat knew no equal. Unafraid to resort to dirty tactics, he had his servants investigate Blue Shift, and quickly discovered her identity as the crown princess of Xamenid, Hat-kina Medyn Soor. It would be so satisfying to reveal her identity to the royal family and watch the brat be dragged kicking and screaming back home, but his hatred was so intense that he felt the need to punish not only her but the entire royal household as well. Thus he leaked her identity to the Aaru Dominion, an empire inhabiting a nearby system that was in a power struggle with the Xamenids over control of trade in the region. With Vesocia's help, they plotted to kidnap the princess during the races and use her as a bargaining chip to force the Xamenids to transfer their trade power for her safe return. Then the Dominion would kill the princess anyway, the Xamenids would collapse economically and politically, and the Dominion would swoop in and conquer them. They sent their best starfighters and a squadron of troops to apprehend Blue Shift. The plan failed when the crowd swarmed the soldiers to protect their hero, and the other Stellaris pilots interfered with the Aaru starfighter's pursuit, letting Medyn Soor escape via lightspeed travel. The damage taken during the fight and the sudden jump to lightspeed, however, meant that Medyn Soor couldn't quite control the ship, and she managed to crash hard on a tiny blue planet called Earth. Medyn Soor and her starship were quickly apprehended by the extraterrestrial affairs agency Overwatch Twelve, who nursed Medyn Soor back to health after her traumatic crash, managed to repair the damage to her ship, and established communication with her, letting her explain who she was and where she had come from. She realized that she couldn't leave the planet because the Dominion might still be looking for her, and she asked for asylum, which was granted without hesitation. Boredom soon set in again without the exciting distraction of Stellaris racing, and even her occasionally assisting Overwatch Twelve in their activities wasn't enough to shake the feeling of dissatisfaction. An agent she complained about this to couldn't understand why, in his words "you would ever be bored with these kinds of powers. I mean, you're like a superhero, aren't you?" A superhero. The concept was intriguing to Medyn Soor, and she began to study the idea more thoroughly. It never occurred to her to use those amazing abilities she got from the exploding engine to fight crime, and she couldn't understand why. Being a hero looked like just as much fun as being a Stellaris pilot, and the inspired cheers for the superhero who saved the day reminded her so much of the cheers Blue Shift received when she made a narrow first place finish. Working with a few field agents she had befriended during her time at the secret base, she convinced the O12 High Command to set her up with a place to live and work as the superhero Blue Shift based in New Skywell. The High Command agreed, and the rest, as they say, is history. [/hider] Fun facts: -Medyn Soor is a big eater, and her favorite meal is sushi. -Medyn Soor also enjoys hanging upside down, which her species can do indefinitely without passing out. She finds it soothing. -Being a Xamenidian, she of course loves swimming. -She's become an aspiring Trekkie since arriving on Earth. Her favorite movie is Star Trek: First Contact. -She has a pet ferret as a gift from one of her agent friends. She named him Worf. -She still occasionally has trouble with English, or "Humanspeak" as she erroneously calls it. [/hider]