[hider=Nefertari]Name: Nefertari (No last name. Not her real name. Has been forgotten.) Goes by Neffy Gender: Female, prefers she/ her. Age: Ageless, or so she says. Really around 600 years old. Home: 3032 Jean-Luc St Orientation: Pansexual Significant Other: Has had lovers in the past, at the moment, nope. Occult: Vampire Inherited Ability: Immortality, youthful appearance Special Ability: Superhuman strength Hidden Ability: Mind-reading Occupation: Mortician. She does want to try to keep an ‘honest’ living. She isn’t just a soulless blood sucking monster, thank you very much. Family: Only the one who sired her, but he’s been missing for 400 years. Last seen in Rome. Appearance: [hider= Appearance] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/24/79/37/24793704dd8fd05b47751e3954631504.jpg[/img][/hider] Nefertari looks like she stepped out of ancient Egypt, with dark skin, long black hair that she usually braids into multi-braids. She stands at five foot seven, very slender. She has dark brown eyes, that flash red more as a warning to others. She has a tattoo of Isis across her back, calling Isis her guardian. She became a vampire at twenty-eight, and that is how old she looks. Personality: Nefertari is a very outgoing person, but mostly at night. She is friendly and personable, and still seems to have a bit of her humanity left. She is trying to make an honest living, since she is technically an outsider of this lovely city. However, she does have her scary moments, mostly when angry or hungry. She considers herself more of a lover than a fighter, which is odd given her gift for superhuman strength. But, she does tend to be a very gentle lover, only biting when asked. History: Nefertari was once a very normal girl, with normal dreams and wishes. She was born in what is now modern day Cairo, and her family claims that they are descendants from the original rulers of Egypt. She grew up normal, was married, and even had a child before something happened. She was about twenty-eight and out at the market one night, when she was accosted, and turned. At that moment, her life as a human ended. She adopted a new name, to protect her still living husband and child, and left Cairo with the man who sired her. She became more worldly, and cultured. She spent around two hundred years with the man who sired her before going out on her own. She lived all over Europe and Africa, watching the world turn. Recently, (that being thirty years ago) she immigrated to New Orleans, and set up a home there. She found a house with an angel named Azreal and Morgan, and the three live together, for now. Occult History: Nefertari became all too aware of what she was when she was turned. She is always fascinated by the new things she learns as a vampire, even regarding her own powers. Occult Status: Outsider Vampire. She could be royalty if she wanted, but never liked manipulating humans. Additional Info: While she feeds on humans, she never liked the aspect of manipulation, and never developed those powers. Being once human, she still regards them with warmth, and even has had human lovers in the past.[/hider]