[h1] Part 1 of 'the Answering' [/h1] (Sorry, college gets in the way sometimes!) [@HushedWhispers] Azrael is accepted! Go ahead and post them in the CS tab! [@HushedWhispers] I am sticking to a Maximum of 2-3 Characters per person, as long as you can handle the load! :) [@XxLyraxX] Reserved, and I would prefer you made two different occult characters to keep numbers somewhat balanced (-we have an abundance of Witches and Angels right now!) However, if that is what you would like I am not going to stop ya! :) [@McHaggis] Reserved your custom home! [@kittyluna45] Sounds great! [@Avanhelsing] John Laveau is accepted! If Laveau is hot then I can't wait to see your Werewolf! Haha! :)