Name: Okihika Hanzõ Age: 18 Height: 5”10 Weight: 220 lbs Path: Kurai Weapon N/A Appearance: Hanzõ is skinny, unnaturally skinny for a man of his size and weight, he looks sickly, his pale skin along with dark rings around his eyes enforce that image even more. His deep blue eyes stare through is glasses and seem to pierce deep into the very soul of the one he meets with them and his lips seem to be permanently stuck into a small, fulfilled smile wherever he goes. He has short, brown hair that's always kept on ponytail and neatly out of the way. His normal clothing outside the dojo usually include pair of black pants and long leather jacket he usually keeps wide open, unless he's having one of his red tanktops on he goes without a shirt at all, making it easy to count his ribs, yet oddly enough he still has very well formed abs, even further giving an image of a sickly person out of him. Shoewise he doesn't usually have any on him, and seems to be oblivious to pain that targets his feet in any way. While in school he wears dark gray Karate Gi with a chain around his waist instead of traditional belt. Personality: He seems to be very open and generally friendly with everyone, he has his own ideologies that may seem weird to others, but when brushed aside what is left is friendly, dark humoured and even sadistic individual. Even if he acts and speaks quite openly, his traits make it..difficult to read him and to even understand him. Biography: Hanzõ comes from a family filled with politicians and pacifists. A family he dislikes even to the point of hate. He was the one always getting in troubles until he reached his 17th birthday, then he just suddenly calmed down and isolated himself for a year from everyone, he did not see his family nor friends during that time at all, he just spent his time in his room, studying, learning and examining. When he came out, he set for his new school, looking just the way he does now. Upon his departure, his father threatened to disown him if he'd join Martial Arts school. Hanzõ laughed with all his heart and stared him dead in the eyes.”I already did that to you.” He replied and left everything behind. Martial Art Style (Name and descriptions for each.) 1.) Kushin Bajiquan No Ken. Translates roughly into Fist of Pain Bajiquan. The style focuses solely to one, simple, single thing. Inflicting as much pain as possible to the opponent. Dislocating, breaking, twisting limbs and then finishing up with brutal elbow strikes to calculated locations. Only to hurt them until they cannot continue the fight anymore. Magic Style (Name and descriptions for each.) 1.) Darkness Adaption. His senses and speed increase when he's in the dark. Or, thinks that he's in the dark. Even in the darkest of darknesses it is as if he could see perfectly. Being in dark doubles his speed and allows him to hear as much as leaves falling down, or hearts beating.