Ezra could only lap about the route but so many times before he would feel the need to take a break. He met the entrance to the East Sengun Forest a few times over the course of the hour, and failed to locate Ato anywhere near the entrance. Brie had tapped out some three laps prior, and took solace in lounging on her trainer's shoulders. The sporty guy had resorted to meandering about the trail in the meantime, taking the time to explore a little more of the locale while playing around on his Pokédex. It was an efficient piece of technology, effortlessly recording every little Pokémon that would cross his path. Or, it would record it's picture, at least. Ezra couldn't really figure out how the device recorded information until he scrolled past the Oshawott and Azurill entries. "So it seems I have to catch the pokémon first to get their full information...?" He gave brief thought to how that process even worked out. Seemed like some space age stuff to him. "What a time to be alive-" [b][color=39b54a]"LILLLLLLLLL!"[/color][/b] A shrill cry emitted somewhere out of sight, but close enough to lurch Ezra and Brie out their collective thoughts. "Huh?" It was definitely a cry he couldn't recognize. Sounded like someone in need of assistance. His legs were bounding towards the location far before he realized it. As he neared, the sounds of a kerfuffle grew louder. [b][color=ec008c]”Nyaaa~!”[/color] [color=39b54a]”Peti!”[/color] “Nina! Absorb!”[/b] Sounded like a battle judging by the human voice calling out names and demands. Brie wondered why her trainer was still moving so fast. [color=lightblue]“Oshawott, shawott wott.”[/color] “[i]Just sounds like a regular ol’ battle from here, one of them is even enjoying themselves. Slow down.[/i]” She didn’t see the need for urgency. Ezra let up some. “You have a point.” He came to a stop in a surprisingly open area, a field that wouldn’t be immediately noticed from the tree riddled route leading to the forest. Down a hill leading into the tall grass, it seemed the battle had ended. A lone girl was sitting in the grass, coddling what looked to be a proud green flower bulb. Ezra whipped out his pokedex, and sure enough, the cute green fluffy onion showed up on screen. But, as expected, no name. He felt he might’ve been interrupting something precious, but his curiosity got the better of him, as it always did. “‘Scuse me,” He greeted. “I just heard some crazy noises coming from over here; felt the need to check it out. But, s’looks like you got everything under control here!” He stretched the fabric of his top, an athletic compression shirt, absentmindedly. “What’s uh, what’s this cutie’s name? Never seen one where i’m from.” He asked, thumbing towards the petite Grass type. Brie wasn’t all that okay with the meeting, a glance towards the mystery ‘mon made her shudder and grip Ezra’s scalp. [color=lightblue]“O-oshaa wott? Osha-a-wott wott?!”[/color] [i]”O-okay, you’ve seen what the problem was, right? C-can we go now?!”[/i] She pleaded, with a uncomfortable grimace.