[b]Master Jamie[/b] Jamie really didn't want someone following him, and defientely not someone from another guild. He looked to Fraquar, unable to think of a good way to say get lost without sounding rude. [color=f26522]"I control my powers well, thank you very much. I don't destroy buildings"[/color] Jamie quickened her pace, heading to where he had picked up the trail of Mithera, the same alley where Damian had seen Trinity's bow. Mithera had flown off, probably to try and get help, and Jamie wondered if there was an easier way for her to shift besides food. [b]Michael[/b] [@oblivion666][@floodtalon] Michael frowned. Betting sound like it could be a massive risk, and it just didn't seem worth it. Why risk your money? He imagined that t hings could get very violent, if it went out of control. [color=00a651] "Seems too risky[/color]" He said softly, frowning slightly as he saw his messenger spirit, Hermes, zipping through the Arena. How did Hermes come here? As far as Michael knew, he was the only one who could summon him. Hermes seemed agitated, and Michael watched the spirit, clearly searching. [b]Sasha[/b] [@yipeeXD] Sasha gave a soft sigh, as Lazarus didn't even comment on her speaking about second origin. She just nodded, [color=6ecff6]"The games Master seems to be very watchful, despite being strange"[/color] she said softly, trying to push the memory out of her mind, to just focus on the games. [b]Time Lord[/b] Time Lord nodded, pleased that Shujin seemed willing to help. [i]one down[/i] he thought to himself, uneasily, [color=598527]"Thank you"[/color] He said, giving an almost evil looking smile, [color=598527]"And don't worry. I'm a dangerous man as well"[/color] he said, walking away, through the stands, satisfied that that had gone better then he thought it would. He seemed to hesitate on the stairs, wondering. [b]tidius[/b] [@t2wave] Tidius smiled at the girl as she took his hand. He rose slowly, keeping his hand in the girls. [color=0072bc]"This is one of my labs. I figure things out in here, and try to make sense of them"[/color] He told her, looking to Ariel as she spoke. [color=0072bc]"Magic is strange, and there isn't a rule on what is unheard of. there's lots of difference magics, and as I said, you seem to be able to differentiate the magics within you. Why should that be strange?" [/color]He said [b]Jarvis[/b] [@Joshua Tamashii] Jarvis grimaced, cursing his stupidity. He should have said something else, but he hadn't been thinking right. He opened his mouth to speak, before closing it, thinking on what to say. [color=aba000]"No, Amelia. You would have gotten good points anyway. You got extra points for taking Sasha's place. You fought well"[/color] He tried to choose his words carefully, but he wasn't too sure if he was just making things worse. [b]Grant Vs Maddox Battle part one[/b] The second day had been full of intensity. As the names began to flick across the screen, the Games Master was dancing, and grinned, shouting, "Grant from Iron Engima! AND Maddox from Phenix Wing B! GET READY TO RUMBLE!" Games Master Sheldon ushered those not fighting out The red-haired mage made his way down to the arena when his name was called. [color=ed1c24][i]Guess I will be fighting in these Games,[/i][/color] he thought, putting his hands in his jacket pockets as he stepped out before the crowd. Maddox wasn't a super-famous mage, but he was certainly known thanks to Phoenix Wing's natural publicity and some of his own feats he's done in the past. After all, he [i]is[/i] Blink, the fastest man alive according to the Weekly Sorcerer. [color=ed1c24][i]Grant from Iron Enigma,[/i][/color] Maddox wondered, looking over the crowd and scanning for their reactions to the fighters' entrances. [color=ed1c24][i]I can't say I know the guy. I suppose I should let him show off a bit and get the crowd pumped up. Also would serve to figure out what he can do...[/i][/color] Grant Vale was about a minute late onto the battlefield, and he was grinning like a child who had just been given access to a mountain of candy. Not acknowledging the crowd, the wizard walked to almost the center of the battlefield before speaking, directly to Maddox. [color=crimson]"You know, I've heard about you before. 'Fastest man alive', according to Sorcerer weekly, one time. Certainly a big boast, but one I doubt I'll dispute. Speed was never my game."[/color] He chuckled softly, something clearly up his sleeve. [color=crimson]"I also remember that you destroyed a guild a year or so ago. Was a bit of a shame really, a lot of Iron Enigma's income came from them. They had a lot of need for information, something we've always excelled at providing."[/color] He cracked his knuckles, and blood dripped from his right hand to the ground. [color=crimson]"Even so, things about you are pretty scarce, sadly, and we tend to avoid operating too close to powerful "light guilds"."[/color] Grant made air quotes before dropping his hands to his side. [color=crimson]"So, I'm going to revel in the one chance I have to beat the hell out of a Phoenix Wing Mage."[/color] He chuckled again taking a half step back, preparing himself for when the start of the fight was announced. [color=ed1c24][i]Oh, he seems ornery,[/i][/color] Maddox thought as Grant gave a malicious introduction. He was quick to notice the blood coming from his hands, despite having not noticed any wounds on the guy prior to the blood. It was clearly a hint as to what he could, just a subtle one. [color=ed1c24]"Don't like Light Guilds, eh?"[/color] Maddox commented, before letting out a sigh. [color=ed1c24]"Well, we all have our dreams and aspirations. Now probably [i]is[/i] your one chance to beat the hell out of a Phoenix Wing mage."[/color] A smirk played on his lips as his red eyes met with Grant's gaze. Maddox was returning the taunt. [color=ed1c24]"But I can tell you it won't be me."[/color] He glanced over to the stands, seeking out his guildmates. He had to ensure they could see and feel his confidence. After looking to Master Jamie specifically, Maddox gave the master a nod before returning his attention to Grant before him. [color=ed1c24]"I'm ready when you are,"[/color] Maddox declared, though he kept his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. [color=ed1c24]"Let's put on a good show for the folks that gathered here, yeah?"[/color] Once Grant would also agree he was ready and the fight would begin, Maddox began his assault. That is: he began casually walking towards his opponent. With his hands still in his pocket, the red-haired mage approached Grant at a mild pace. While this may not be the start the crowd would expect, given it wasn't even close to being considered "fast" and wasn't remotely exciting, Maddox did have a plan. He was physically strong and a skilled martial artist. Once Grant would be just outside his kicking range, Maddox would lunge forward and deliver a kick to the solar plexus, a blow that if successful would leave the Iron Enigma mage on the ground fighting for air. A simple and boring tactic, but Maddox figured this guy would put up a fight instead. Grant smiled a bit. [color=Crimson]"Oh, so you can see into the future?"[/color] He chuckled, not bothering dropping into a combat stance. [color=crimson]"But, let's give the audience quite a time."[/color] He looked up at the crowd, finally acknowledging them, before looking back to Maddox, watching him approach. He made no movement to attack or approach himself, just watch. He was relaxed, but ready to move. Once Maddox launched into the kick, a magic circle appeared in Grant's right eye just before his body sprung into action. For Grant, as Maddox's kick came towards him, the world slowed down to a stop. He watched, almost from a disconnected standpoint within himself, Maddox's kick land. The pain was dulled a good bit, but Grant still felt the blow, the wind being knocked from his lungs, and being unable to breath. He fell backwards, unable to control his limbs as they reached up and over where he was hit, and he fell onto the ground, gasping and coughing. After long seconds of the uncontrollable torture, slower than it had happened, it began to reverse. Backwards towards the very moment Maddox launched his kick. Just before it reached the apex of its return to the present however, Grant broke free of the trance, twisting his body as the world began its return to normal time. For half a second, though this one a full one to Grant, time continued its acceleration to match the real world, and during this time Grant would seem to move much faster than he would've normally. As the phenomenon ended, Maddox's kick went wide as Grant slammed his hand into his chest, palm open, throwing Maddox back and leaving a magic circle on his body. During the attack, Grant had spoken two words, quietly, but loud enough for Maddox to hear as the blow was landing. [color=crimson]"Link bodies."[/color] As Maddox was forced either into a slide across the ground or a flip to avoid being on his back, he would catch a glance of Grant wincing slightly, but only just. [color=crimson]"And so! Let the fight, truly, begin."[/color] Grant called out to his opponent as he shifted into a combat position, clearly deciding whether to attack now, or let Maddox attempt another strike.