[b]Name:[/b] Sin‘chi Hajime [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Height:[/b] 5’10 [b]Weight:[/b] 210 Ibs [b]Path:[/b] Hikari [b]Position:[/b] Headmaster [b]Weapon:[/b] [img]two_katanas_by_wolfmage75.jpg[/img] (Double katanas) [b]Appearance: [/b] [img]https://iblos3om.files.wordpress.com/2010/04/hijikata-toushizou.jpg[/img] [img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/originals/57/bc/3c/57bc3c46fe9061ca46b6575fc0b1fbb8.jpg[/img] [img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/36400000/Toshizo-Hijikata-Haku-ki-image-toshizo-hijikata-hakuoki-36476417-700-740.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] As headmaster of the Shaolin Academy and is within the bloodline of legendary Hikari master, Junichi, Sin’chi is a humble individual. It takes a lot to get him angry, unless he is up against a challenging opponent. Usually he is quite calm and can tolerate most of the students’ bad behaviors. He is also quiet; a lot of the times keeps to himself in his office for unknown reasons and only really emerges if he has something important to say. [b]Biography: [/b] The bloodline of legendary Hikari master, Junichi Saburo runs through his veins. Though he has never seen him in person he has heard a lot of stories about his ancestor. He attended the academy at the age of fourteen and graduated at eighteen. Before that, he was working at a local bakery while practicing martial arts on the side. People would describe him as quiet, but intimidating. He always had a look on his face that looked important; as if he was constantly bothered by something but never tried to express how he was feeling. After the bakery, his father pushed him to attend the Shaolin Academy full time. After he graduated, he was offered a position as a teaching assistant due to his remarkable skills with the katana and magic use. He refused and decided to go back home where he would spend most of his time until he reached the age of twenty-four. He made the decision to go back to the Shaolin Academy and apply for the headmaster position. Each candidate was put to battle with one another and none of them stood a chance. He became headmaster and received immediate respect from the instructors and other students who know of his blood ties and remarkable fighting ability. He is now twenty-eight years of age, making him the youngest headmaster there ever was at the academy. [b]Martial Art Style (Name and descriptions for each.)[/b] 1.) Double-sword Kenjutsu – A form of duel wielding sword fighting. 2.) Jeet Kune Do – A fighting style incorporating kung fu, fencing and boxing. [b]Magic Style (Name and descriptions for each.)[/b] 1.) Light Manipulation – The ability to create, shape and manipulate visible light. 2.) Energy Physiology – The ability transform into or have a physical body made up of pure energy. 3.) Transcendent Angel Physiology – The ability to transform into an angelic being of fierce power. [b]Character Rank:[/b] D [b]Missions Completed:[/b] 0