[center]"Oh you know, this and that." he replied, awkwardly tightening his grip around the boy. He didn't like to be touched and in fact it had been a long time since anyone had touched him but he would never dare pull away. It actually felt nice, being hugged. An entirely human act yet one could probably define love with it. "I've missed you, God of Art and Music." he added, as he took away his hat and wore it. Even as he takes the hat I don't let go- I'm still so very terrifed he'll disappear if I dare. Still there is an instant look of childish annoyance "Hey!" I pout and whine "Brroonnttteeesss! Give it back!" "It does look better on you." Brontes replies as he puts it back on Amare's head. This felt just like the good old days yet he still had a lot to make up for. Amare just looks smug at that "Yes, it does. Doesn't it?" "So, once more, am terribly sorry- No in fact, I will do anything you ask of me, if that means that you'll forg-" In an instant, Amare's expression changes from a bubbly child to the God he actually is [i]"Sorry isn't going to cut it, you fully well damn know that."[/i] He says, holding onto Brontes tighter "However, a good start would be promising me- right here- right now- that you will [i]never[/i] leave my side again." "Hmm, I don't know..." Brontes said, risking another punch but he just loved messing with him. There are now tears in the young boy's eyes. Normally he would accept such teasing, but not today- not today of all days.[i] "Please..."[/i] "I promise I will never walk forward without you right next to me until everything you see, in Heaven, Earth or the Underworld turns to nothingness and we too, disappear. That I vow to you as Brontes, God of the Dead and your friend." he replied, dead serious this time. A promise he would honor to the end. Through the tears, Amare slowly smiles. Never in his entire life has he felt comforted by the words of another like he has been right now. It is possible the most wonderful emortion in the world. Finally feeling somewhat relaxed, Amare lets go of his death-grip of the God. Now, instead settling for just holding his hand. Saying "Thank you."[/center]