[@Joshua Tamashii][@floodtalon][@Caits] [b][color=8882be][h2]Zephyr Hardt[/h2][/color][/b] Zephyr just laughed at both Mikey and Ryan's reactions. Mikey was worried about Ryan's gambling and Ryan despite being lectured was still thinking about gambling, if anything you could see just how big this gambling dream was. [color=8882be]"Thats the literal term of Gambling Mikey, its always risky no two ways about it. Also you might want to take Jackie's advice Ryan. I mean I am all for stupid ideas but sometimes ya just gotta know when to stop... D-did the dollar signs just get bigger?"[/color] Zephyr asked in astonishment at Ryan's true gambling form. Zephyr then looked at the battle and scratched his head. [color=8882be]"Iron enigma? I've heard of them but don't think its very good rumors, Grant seems... well happyish about this fight."[/color]