[color=007236]“And then, just like that, I’m blown off and left with a bunch of Level 4 losers who can’t follow a single damn order!”[/color] [color=ed1c24]“Hmm.”[/color] [color=007236]“I swear, if the Jukester was one of them there today, he sure as hell didn’t say anything during that whole freaking meeting!”[/color] [color=ed1c24]“I thought you said Jukebox PMed you? Said something about hanging out with your ex?”[/color] [color=007236]“Oh yeah. That explains why I was more pissed than I should have been today. Whatever. That kid still owes me some intel on Moon Rider. Since she’s raising an army and all that good jizz.”[/color] [color=ed1c24]“Sounds nice. But Grin?”[/color] [color=007236]“What?”[/color] [color=ed1c24]“Does it look like I even remotely care about any of this?”[/color] Inside one of the many taverns located in the neutral territory of Faded City, two Colored Kings walked into a bar and one of them immediately went set about complaining. Now it was no surprise to most people on DGO that Crimson Streak and Verdant Grin were intolerable drinking buddies. In fact, that seemed to be the only thing they had in common really, what with the Green King always doing his best to piss off his contemplative counterpart. More often than not though, these little expeditions almost always resulted in a ruined and smoldering bar. Thus, only the bravest dared to offer up their business to the two of them. While no one in Deep Ground was of legal age to actually consume alcohol, that didn’t stop the program from generating false drinks for those that wanted to at least simulate the experience. Whether this was morally right or not was usually taken to massive internet debates on the DGO Forum websites. Still, it was there if only for the atmosphere and no one really knew for sure if one could actually get intoxicated in Deep Ground Online. In this particular pub though, the surrounding Avatars tried to avoid the two Kings as much as possible. No good came from Crimson Streak and Verdant Grin drinking, especially in neutral land such as this. Even the bartender was keeping a close eye on them, ready to be the first to bail if things went south. [color=007236]“So I hear you got a new girlfriend buddy!”[/color] Verdant Grin said with mock happiness, taking a swig of whatever the hell he had ordered. [color=007236]“Dating the latest Mitsuki chick, eh? Sure, that’s one way to have a future with some kids.”[/color] Streak gripped his glass tightly before giving the Green King a cold glare and saying. [color=ed1c24]“Who told you that?”[/color] After many scenarios just like this one, Grin was far used to the hostilities by now. So he took it in stride, shrugging with a smug smirk. [color=007236]“Maybe a little birdy? Not buying that? Too cliché? We’re friends man! Come on buddy, you know you couldn’t keep something like that from me! I’m glad to see you finally found someone too. Hope she’s better than that Cowbell Bitch.”[/color] [color=ed1c24]“You shouldn’t talk about girls in that manner,”[/color] Streak said gruffly-or was it apathy?-taking a swig of his drink. [color=ed1c24]“Might come back to beat your ass in the ground one day.”[/color] Grin sniffed, about to say some smartass biting retort when something loud was heard. It sounded like a thundering step or a shuddering crunch, and it seemed to be coming from the direction of the Black Guild. Such premonitions were but the precursor to one small band of Outlaws that wanted to see the Black King broken and bleeding. In one final attempt to bring the Ebony Strykers down once more, they had lured an incredibly powerful [url=http://i.imgur.com/qS8rGgo.jpg?1]Dissolution[/url] right to the Black District’s gates. One by one the Outlaws sacrificed themselves to the horrible Level 5 beast, hoping the strength it gained from their deaths would be enough to halt Moon Rider’s progress forever. This omen was not lost on the Black King either, and she tensed up before turning back to the front gates of her domain. Surely that couldn’t be the sound of an army, her army, approaching? No. As ideal as that was, she knew that she still had enemies amongst her. Maybe it was something else. Something much more sinister. [color=8493ca]“To answer your question, yes I did employ the assistance of the Sweepers,”[/color] Moon Rider answered for now, turning away from Corpse Collector and Smitten Kitten's location. [color=8493ca]“And I think we might be needing their help sooner than expected,”[/color] she continued, already moving at an astonishing speed on her feet alone, expecting Newt to follow behind. Nearby, Corpse Collector released a shaky sigh of relief once she saw that Moon Rider was going in the opposite direction. Even if she hated her with a passion, the Level 5 Player was still piss scared of the Black King, the one who had slain so many before. The large thuds slowly but surely approaching was a little cause for concern but she could always just move to another location. Besides, she predicted that the Black District would soon turn into a battleground anyway. All of this, she thought to herself, only snapping back to reality when Flan appeared. [color=f26522]“Oh fuck me,”[/color] she groaned. [color=f26522]“Look Cream Puff. Either stay dead or leave me alone. Now you’re just like a lost puppy following me around. Also…I think you’re about to get drop kicked real soon. Or something.”[/color]