Viva just nodded wearily at him as she heaved herself back into her seat. Noah's orders or not, the only thing that was keeping her in that pilots chair was the fact that she was pretty sure that if she stood up again she'd keel over into a dead faint. It wouldn't do Lucidae or her brother any good if she was out cold, so she would just have to take Noah's word that Valko was okay and content herself with staring out into space, fiddling with the controls, numbly watching the stars slip by... Yeah, that wasn't happening. As much as she'd love to switch off her mind and recuperate, she couldn't revel in the sensation of being alive and breathing still until she saw Valko. She knew Noah wouldn't lie about something as serious as Val's state, trusted him to tell her the truth about that much if anything. She knew Val was okay but... Maybe it was a twin thing, or just a sibling thing even, but she [i]needed[/i] to see him and maybe then the anxious knot in her stomach would finally ease up. With one final course check, she set a proximity alarm on the off chance that the stormbuster or the feds caught up to them and carefully pulled herself to her feet. The room spun slightly, and she felt incredibly light headed but the dark spots and ringing in her ears didn't make a reappearance so she slowly staggered her way to the hall picking her steps with exaggerated care. With a guiding hand on the walls, she pointedly did not look at the blood that was still pooled and smeared across the floor and walls around where Noah and her brother had been. Someone would have to clean up that mess eventually (most likely her, damn it) but for now she shied away from thinking too hard about it- about what ifs and could haves that would only result in sending her into a blind panic... Fortunately the medibay was just around the corner, she could already hear Noah and the Doctor and in a few more steps supported by anything in reach she could would be able to see them. He'd finished up with Val apparently as he was working on Noah's arm, she hadn't even known he'd gotten hurt. [I]"Look it doesn't matter, I'm not finished here, your arm is injured, let me help you." Loire said, changing his surgical gloves and tossing the old pair into the bin, he threaded a fresh needle to stitch up the bullet wound in Noah's bicep. "I threaten to toss you out the airlock and you're offering to patch up my arm?" Noah asked to clarify what he had just heard. "I'm a doctor and you're injured, it's my job." Loire replied, giving a shot of morphine to Noah to ease the throbbing in his arm. "Are you insane?" "I have depression but I take my meds, I'm in control, other than that, I have no mental illness." he replied flatly. [/i] "No throwing the doc out the airlock Noah," She said making her presence known. She gave a kind of half smile, trying for a quippish tone but couldn't quite manage her usual banter with the audible weariness that was seeping into her voice, "We've only the one, and crazy or not he saved Val. That's worth some kudos in my book." She waved a defusing hand in Noah's direction, the other hand grasping the doorframe tightly in a means to stay upright, "I know, I know. Orders. Stay put. Yadda yadda. I'll only be a moment, I just... I have to see him for myself."