[color=9e0b0f]Name:[/color] Yaozu Au-Yeung [color=9e0b0f]Age:[/color] 18 [color=9e0b0f]Height:[/color] 5”6 [color=9e0b0f]Weight:[/color] 155 lbs [color=9e0b0f]Path:[/color] Kurai [color=9e0b0f]Weapon:[/color] N/A [hider=Appearance] [center][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/97150841/large.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] [color=9e0b0f]Personality:[/color] An energetic individual with a wayward personality, Yaozu is the definition of a reckless youth. He's energetic, passionate, and hard-headed but do not underestimate his playful behavior and shorter stature. He has the will of a hundred men as his stubbornness can be a valuable weapon, and he's smarter than he may seem. Though he may be risk-taker, he's also logical in a way that he understands and accepts the consequences that may come with his decisions, and therefore, jumps into any situation fully prepared. [color=9e0b0f]Biography:[/color] Yao's recklessness has always been prevalent even when he was younger, being born as an only child to an average family of lower-middle class. His parents were constantly working, and though they loved him very much, had always left him to tend himself as they both tried to make a living for their family. This had made him quite adaptive growing up, being able to take care of himself fairly well when he was a young child. He is of smaller stature than most boys his age, and therefor, often become a target of bullies. But being left alone had nurtured the impatient and intrepid spirit that he harbored, and as he grew up, became quite a boy with explosive energy. He had learned to street-fight at a young age to deter those that dare pick on him. In his small town, he was regarded as the source of all things mischievous, having led a small band of reckless youths much like himself. Even after founding his calling as a martial artist, and joining the famous Shaolin School to devote his endless energy in becoming a world-renown fighter, no one can extinguish his fearless flame. [color=9e0b0f]Martial Art Style[/color] 1.) [i]Chāquán[/i] - the style of Long Fists. Fluid and smooth, this martial arts focuses on the extension of the body into long movements. It includes a lot of aerial maneuver, making it a "long-range" combat form, as each powerful fist and kick can unexpectedly reach the opponent from a far distance. 2.) [i]Chujiao[/i] - the style of Poking Foot. Indicated by it's name, this martial arts focuses on the explosive power of the legs, utilizing many dashes, jumps, and kicks in combination of rapid fist sequences in a forward flurry. It is often called the martial arts of "falling meteorites" because of it's unrelenting combos. By studying and training under these two styles, Yaozu is able to overcome his 'physical limitation' and is able to match and sometimes exceed the speed and power of his taller and heavier opponents. The intense leg-strength and speed workout of Chujiao coupled with the flexibility and extension given to him by the Long Fist style allowed him to create a unique set of movements and combos that efficiently combines the two martial arts style into a powerful offense and iron-like defense. [color=9e0b0f]Magic Style[/color] 1.) [url=http://i.imgur.com/Dq6FYNr.jpg]Shadow Cloak:[/url] Mystical shadow envelops Yaozu, giving him a boost to defense. Although the resistance is fairy weak compared to other magic-based armor, its true power lies in its ability to induce illusions thru afterimage to confuse his opponents, as the Cloak gives Yaozu and ethereal-like and hazy appearance. 2.) [url=http://i.imgur.com/5fiDT9p.jpg]Black Flames[/url]: Yaozu can manifest flames of blackness to his hands and feet. This enhances his offensive power, as it gives him the ability to impact his hits with cauterizing force. It burns fiercely and brilliantly when activated. 3.) [url=http://i.imgur.com/cCRiNn0.jpg?1]Shadow Breath[/url]: A powerful and primal technique that dispenses a lot of Yaozu's Kurai energy. Usually used as an ultimate move or sure-hit finisher. To prepare it, Yaozu must internalize a great amount of energy and condense it, which puts a lot of strain on his body. The longer he charges, the more devastating it is and the more it cripples his body.