[h2]Sindri Holt[/h2] [h3]In the Gym, after Lunch[/h3] The day had been fairly normal for Sindri. Lunch was uneventful, but it was soon after that there was an announcement. Everyone to the gym. A weird thing, since the school seemed to really make sure schedules were tight. So as he went into the gym, sitting down by some people he wasn’t really familiar with, and he just waited. It was hard to just wait, even with Sindri’s quirks, but it didn’t take too terribly long before the school had been settled enough for the announcement. Someone was found dead. Sindri’s blood chilled at that. Who would possibly have killed someone? Why? There was bound to be tension for sure, but it was a whole other matter to end someone’s life. Then something happened. It was hard to figure out why, but Sindri felt it. A surge. All around him, things began to go wrong. Someone ignited - or began to, because just as the brunt of the chaos began to explode, time stopped entirely. “What in the…” Sindri muttered to himself. The scene around him was the beginning of chaos - lightning, fire, dragons, water, plants, everything seemed to be exploding into existence around him. The kid to his left was mid-ignition. Out of preservation, he began to move away, getting up and going about moving, trying to squeeze between people - even touching them would cause a bit of an impact, and he didn’t want to accidentally bruise someone as he made his way towards the door. Stupid door. It wouldn’t open, not with time frozen. This was a bit of a conundrum. “Hey Sindri. Neat power.” A familiar voice said from near him. Sindri paused. “...Amy? How can you even talk to me? Time’s stopped.” He said out loud. “I’m trying to come up with something enigmatic about time and death.” She gave a vague shrug. “But honestly I don’t think we have the time for it. Here’s the basics though: the school is dangerous, the Standifords are behind it in some way never did figure it out, everyone here has a power, and most importantly the oldest of records are kept in the basement. Any questions?” “What do you mean by death?” Was the only thing he could think of. Amy gave Sindri a sad look. “This is my last hurrah. A last ditch effort at helping everyone survive. I don’t have all the answers, maybe I wasn’t smart enough, but I think with everyone working together it can be solved.” “Y-you mean… you’re dead too…?” He asked, eyes wide. No. No, no, no! That couldn’t happen! Amy was a friend, and there was no way the only person he knew at the school so far was going to die on him on the third day! The emotional pain was… deep. “I’m sorry Sindri. I didn’t want to go.” Amy’s eyes brimmed with tears. “But listen,” She took a deep breath. “Adien can see ghosts. If I have my way -” Amy trembled, her form wavering. “If I have my way trust her and the other students.” Sindri didn’t know what to say. “If… If that’s true, then… thank you for being my friend, Amy. I will do what I can to help. At least there’s a chance… to say bye.” He added, tears welling in his eyes. “Thank you for being my friend too Sindri. When you come back to normal time you might not want to be near Tobias.” She pointed to the sparking boy near the doorway. Sindri looked at the boy and blinked, nodding. “Alright. Thank you again. This needs to be fixed.” He said, taking the moment of frozen time to move away, leaving a fair bit of room so that he could avoid whatever it was that was about to occur. There was a moment where he turned, wanting to get one last glance at his friend, but she was gone. His heart sank. With a deep breath, he focused and did his best to regain control. Things started up slowly, but that gave him time - as Tobias’s bolt blasted through the door, he was able to keep out of the way entirely. As everything continued to return towards normal, he just did what he could to stay near the door, not wanting to stay near the chaos too long. After a moment, he exited through the freshly blasted door and went to find someone - anyone - who might know what to do. [hr] [h2]Glen Kerr[/h2] [h3]After Lunch, his room[/h3] Glen panicked. The initial shock had been blunted by that strange calm that had come over them, but even that had begun to wear off by the time he and Stella had reached Mrs. Standiford’s office. By the time they’d left, told to go to the gym, his mind was racing. Last year, someone had died. This year, within three days, another. What was going on? How could this happen with all these people? Was anywhere safe? He’d been just through the thought before he saw something. A trophy case - mirrored, but all the trophies were out. He didn’t even consider what Stella might have thought - he was lost in his own fear. He practically leapt into the mirror. The mirror world was… scary. It felt oppressive, just like the times he’d been in this world inside the main building. But he continued on, heading out of the building’s mirror world and heading to his own room, where he collapsed on the bed, shaking a bit. It wasn’t long before he looked up, blinking. Something was wrong. Very wrong. The world twisted, and for the first time ever, his reflection stepped out of the mirror - without his help. And then the two reflections of the two glens stepped out. Four of him - in the same room. Somehow, even his reflections had reflections. With a look around, he realized… somehow, this was the real world… and not. “What the hell is going on…” he muttered. All four of him were indeed in various states of concern or fear, but none moved. Every single one shared sight, touch, hearing… it was a state of overload for Glen. It was hard enough to have two of him… and here he had reflections of reflections of reflections of reflections... “Glen I need you to focus.” An unfamiliar voice broke through at least some of the confusion. Focus ripped through him, a thousand attention spans looking for whoever it was that had spoken. Someone else… in the mirror world? Was that even possible? “Who… is that?” The voices rippled from every Glen at once. “My name is Amy Snow. I was a student here. This school is for people like us, people with powers. Nearly everyone has an ability. The school’s dangerous though. It’s not safe here anymore. There’s something important though, something I never figured out. How far back do the school records actually go?” Glen paused. He had to try hard to focus, and soon only one spoke. “Was? Are you also dead? This school is dangerous, for sure. Three deaths…” He said to himself. “I don’t know how far back they go, though. Do you think they have something important?” he asked. “I think so. I think that’s why I could never get to them.” “Then I’ll find out.” all the Glens replied in unison. “Good luck, to you and the others.” “Thank you.” They replied. The world began to right itself, reality reasserting itself over the mirror world, reflections vanishing quickly as the mirrored mirror worlds vanished one by one before it returned to the two worlds… He sighed. Amy was gone. He looked into the mirror, thinking on what to do...