Wylsen was inside the shop, behind the counter gathering up what he would need to preserve the claws until the rest of the ingredients were gathered as well as to get the blood from the beast. He looked up as the bell above his door dinged and motioned for them to come on in. “Yes, that would be good,” Wylsen as he stepped out from behind the counter and laid out a thick cloth on the floor. “Once I get the blood we can take care of harvesting anything else you think may be of use,” Wylsen said as he sat down on the floor near the cloth. “Can you set him down here on the sheet for me? Then we can begin.” Lob stalked in with the limp body and laid it down upon the clean cloth, he reached for a piece of flint and steel for making fires and set the steel to the side. What happened next was rather uncharacteristic for the brute: he was smooth and dexterous as he took some rope and strung up the dog by its ankles to let its head hand down to the sheet. He set a bucket under the hanging head with napped flint between his fingers, he almost seemed to just draw away the flesh as an inch deep cut split open the throat to let gravity drain out the carotid and jugular. Much of the blood had been lost in the fight, probably about half, but with a professional to assist the sage he was about to get a powerful education. Wylsen leaned back and popped a cork into the forth bottle of blood he had been able to drain from the Hell Hound, thanks to Lobs help and smiled to himself. Picking up a rag he cleaned his hands off somewhat and patted the half-orc on the shoulder. "Good job, I think that will let me make something very useful for you and your group by morning. What else did you want to get from the creature?" [color=007236]"All. Use all. Skin, bone, meat. Use all."[/color] Unless he was stopped, he would bring the exsanguinated beast back down after setting the buckets of blood to the side. First he made a cut around the anus so that it moves freely from the rest of the carcass. Then a cut is made from that incision to the breast plate to allow the stomach and intestines to be carefully removed. Now the anus can be removed by pulling it down and this whole sack of entrails would be set to the side. He patted the bladder and stomach. [color=007236]"Wineskin."[/color] he touched on the intestine with messy hands then patted the muscles he was carefully pealing from bone and pointing to any hanging herbs. [color=007236]"Food."[/color] He touched the lungs that had some strange growth attached to them. [color=007236]"It make fire, we make fire."[/color] The bones he laid out one by one and explained them. "Club, shield, arrow, baby food." The last one was accentuated with a breaking motion and a gesture of shaking something out. Next, the windpipe is cut and all of the upper organs like the heart and liver are removed. lastly he took the skin and folded it with reverence to the side. [color=007236]"Sew holes, make armor. Armor no fire."[/color]