[@Oblivion666][@AbigailTenshi][@Kitsune][@Kurisa][@KillBox][@rusty4297] Following right behind the Squad 9 captain was Akuseru who wore a dull look on his face as he walked behind 'Ms. Slack-a-lot'. [color=aba000][I]Instead of succumbing to my innermost desires, I decide to do the right thing that not surprisingly sucks...the stuff that I do for justice, peace, & all that extra nonsense. [/I][/color] The lieutenant thought to himself depressingly as he continued onwards. Luckily though, a shinigami appeared before good ol Capt'n Sui with good news to relay which soon caused her to express a slight sense of happiness shortly afterwards. As a result, they made their way to a place that looked liked it was once used for a special event in the human's timeline. Of course one could tell that that time had long passed simply by looking at the condition of the building of sorts.