[b]"Heh he he he... MUWA HA HA HA HA!"[/b] Having just gotten Azga's message Arms Slave started dancing around with his axes. [b]"Someone answered my challenge! Good! Good! Now I know I'm not facing a coward. Listen to me now Azga... Tonight, you!"[/b] Arms Slave was about to go and look for her when he noticed someone sneak into the guild hall. He only caught a glimpse, and yet... It was worth a shot, right? Arms Slave shot his Chains towards the roof to the Black Guild, back to the same spot he came in from yesterday. He didn't go through the hole at first and just looked through, but sure enough he saw his first target: Azga the Amazing. What a stroke of luck for him to be here! Azga wasn't currently going Outlaw, but that was fine. Arms Slave had a few himself and he was certain he could talk to Moon Rider into pardoning him once he finishes a few marks. His name turned red and Arms Slave equipped his weapons: Two massive tower shields known as the Orma and Reeve Stone Shields. They were big enough to protect his entire front body, but using them together would allow him access to a unique power up: They could do double the amount of damage if they both strike the same target. He also had two unnamed battle axes which he had obtained from slaying Outlaws back at in the Green City. He just kept using them since they're one of the two axes that actually looked the same, instead of the wide assortment of weapons he has stashed somewhere in Deep Ground. Once armed and ready, Arms Slave made no other noise as he attached his final chain to the edge of the hole, using it to swing into the room. With the Orma and Reeve shield right in front of him, he literally got the drop on Azga. He intended to crush him without warning, not even so much as a hello.