I was initially interested in this game, but as I read the OOC, the issues quickly began to heap on top of one another. I mean no offence, and if you're not interested in critique, I apologize and you shouldn't read any further than this. Your game lacks direction. A completely open sandbox gives players too many options and nothing to bring them together - in my experience, relatively few players are interested in just playing by themselves. The bit on the political situation doesn't introduce any tension or conflict into the game, but in fact removes it (although I doubt anyone would come to a Pokémon game to tackle issues like sexuality). The new technologies you introduce don't seem to add anything to the story or affect much of anything. If you added them in to give players a feel of a more modern era, I'm not really feeling it - although this might just be me. I think you'd have to do more to reinforce the idea that we're in the future, and make it clear that's supposed to be a central theme of the game. If I were you, I'd have tried to find a way to center the plot around the conflict between Team Zodiac and the rest of the world. Unlike many "Teams" that people add into their Pokémon games, yours actually has a purpose and a reason to exist in the story beyond just being there, so my hat's off to you on that. Your rule about what moves Pokémon can know I find very off-putting. It complicates things [i]a lot[/i], since people can't necessarily anticipate your opinions on what's suitable and what isn't - as evidenced by the large amounts of illegal moves in the application in the thread - and I, for one, don't see how it contributes to the game. At least not to the point where the contribution outweighs the hassle - it also probably goes against what a lot of people expect, and that's bound to disappoint some people. This is not an invitation to debate, by the way - just some well-meaning critique from someone who doesn't get to write enough in his everyday life. You're more than welcome to disagree, of course, I'm just saying that I'm not looking to start a lengthy argument. Hope this helps in some small way.