Nies Hellum let out a frustrated cry. The one time, the vey one time she approached someone, and they didn't seem to notice her. She tried, she really did, but what was she meant to do when people ignored her? She threw up her hands, having a little tantrum, before getting herself under control. As music started, echoing it seemed, or at least heard from far away, she looked about. [i]Jukebox[/i] She was about to follow the music when someone approached, engaging her, and if the other healer was listening, them too. Nies blinked, someone had actually approached her? When she seemed dementated? She let out a smile, relieved, and said [color=f6989d]"I know, I know. I was paired with someone yesterday, before being forced to log out, but couldn't find them today and...I just didn't want to stand around and do nothing"[/color] And now she was babbling, just like she would have been outside of DGO. She swallowed, getting control of herself quickly, she smiled meekly. [color=f6989d]"um. I'm Nies Hellum. And I didn't want to miss the chance to see the black city"[/color] She said, trying to make it seem like she wasn't a babbling idiot, as she studying the person. Could she be lucky enough to find someone else to pair with for the day? She hoped so. it would make things so much easier, for her.