[b]Name:[/b] Hikaru Yoshino (or "Yoshino Hikaru", if you want to put Last names first) [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Height:[/b] 6'2" [b]Weight:[/b] 145 lbs. [b]Path:[/b] Hikari [b]Weapon:[/b] A whip that is wrapped around his arm. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20141129053053/megamitensei/images/6/65/DeSu-Atsuro.png[/img] [hider= close-up of face][img]https://superecho.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/atsuro.jpg?w=640[/img][/hider] (NOTE: Does not necessarily have the present day stuff. It's just the look of the guy that I'm concerned with) [b]Personality:[/b] When it comes down to it, Hikaru is just a normal teenager at heart. He freaks out when something big happens, he gets jealous of others, and he doesn't think before he speaks his mind. He's clumsy, laid back, and does not have the same amount of passion and determination as most other students in the dojo (which is why he doesn't take losing in sparring matches personally). He can be cowardly when panicking, and a jerk when frustrated. Still, when he needs to face something seriously, he'll do just that. When he needs to fight, he'll do his best. The difference between how he normally fights and when he's trying to win would honestly astonish people who know him. He may not know what exactly to say to anyone that's feeling down, but he'll always be willing to listen if it'll help them get over something. [b]Biography:[/b] How does one describe the life of a normal guy? A guy who hasn't gone through anything special to bring him to where he was now. He didn't have any special training, he suffered no tragedy, nor was he given any unique qualities or characteristics. He was just a kid growing the way most kids did. How did he come to attend the Shaolin School? It was honestly on a whim. He wanted to look cool by learning how to fight like the warriors in myths and stories. He wanted to learn how to do all the awesome moves and techniques that martial artists do. So, he ended up joining a famous shaolin school. Of course whatever motivation and excitement he had before, died off when he saw people obviously more skilled than himself. He watched as they took their lessons seriously, and with the intent of actually using it for something more than whatever Hikaru himself was going for. In the end, he ended up staying in the school, but seemingly treating everything like it was a hobby. It kinda makes one wonder if he's ready for the coming events... [b]Martial Art Style (Name and descriptions for each.):[/b] 1. [U]Free-Style[/u]: Quite possibly the worst fighting style anyone will see in this RP. As the name implies, it has no concrete style, and is completely dependent on the user's Iintentions. That means that it involves plenty of sloppy, and unnecesssary movements, and unpredictable control over the power behind the hits. On the positive side, however, if the user has practiced enough, they can incorporate moves that they've seen in action before. In Hikaru's case, he also incorporates the whip on his arm as a weapon. 2. [U]Flowing Togakure Ninpo Taijutsu[/u]: A modified version of the original fighting style. The modifications sacrifice a majority of the power behind the attacks in favor of nimble movement and evasiveness. [b]Magic Style (Name and descriptions for each.):[/b] 1. [u]Trap-Happy[/u]: Through Light Manipulation, Hikaru is able to create orbs of Light energy to float idly. These orbs are activated on his command to become a variety of objects meant to bind or injure enemies. 2. [u]Twilight Teleportation[/u]: Hikaru has access to one spell that utilizes Twilight magic. This spell allows him to teleport from one place to another place within 15 miles of his original position. There are several drawbacks to using this magic: [hider=Drawbacks]-One of the drawbacks (or maybe not, depending on the situation) is that everyone (enemy or ally, willing or unwilling, etc.) within 2 yards of his body will be teleported as well. The 2 yards parameter will be shown as a momentary magic circle around his body. -Another drawback is that the place the spell takes must be known to Hikaru. If he doesn't know where he's going, then the spell will not work in the slightest. -The final drawback is that the spell will use so much energy that he will fall unconscious the moment the destination is reached. Although he may wake up within a few minutes, his body will be extremely stressed, and he will not be capable of fighting for an entire day. This spell must only be used as a last resort to escape a dangerous situation.[/hider] [hider=Relationship Sheet!][u][b]Sin'chi Hajime[/b][/u]: "Oh crap...This guy is the Headmaster?! After I showed up late, he seemed a bit...disgruntled? Annoyed? Ah man, I made a horrible first impression on him! The guy seems like a strict and hard teacher, too! Aw man, I gotta be careful in this class!" [b][u]Amy Lirith[/u][/b]: "One of the "better" students. She's dedicated, unwavering, and ready to better herself at any moment...I think. She's nice, but at the same time, she's similar to most other "better" students. Talented with a LOT of potential. Still, I can't let everyone see me crestfallen. Her included. Time to put on a smile!" [B][u]Okihika Hanzo[/u][/b]: "Scary guy, albeit a bit arrogant. I gotta admit, he put himself on a pretty high horse. His personality can use some work. I know that our teacher seemed irritated with him. In any case, I might have to make it a point to stay away from him. Knowing my luck, though, I'll probably end up being his sparring partner or punching bag...Stupid "Better" students." [b][u]Yaozu Au-Yeung[/u][/b]: "Reckless, Stubborn, and a "better" student...that just spells the making of trouble. This guy has WAY too much energy. Like, enough to make my bad luck and crashes look like something he would do just to pass the time. He's the most determined student I've seen...and that makes me frustrated for some reason. I don't know..." [u][b]Hamano Kaori:[/b][/u] "As calm and lazy as she seems, I can't help but feel that she's got something up her sleeve. No one looks THAT lazy without a catch. She has the feel of a "better" student, so maybe she's hiding her true skill? I don't know...also, her eyes scare me. It's like she's constantly judging everything she looks at, and finding it uninteresting. I dunno, maybe she just wants to be left alone? Not on my watch!" [u][b]Hitomi Matsumoto[/b][/u]: "Blind, but not helpless. In fact, from what I hear, she's actually here, because she sought a challenge. Basically, she's another prodigy. I'm beginning to wonder if I'm the only normal student in this place...Anyway, she's cool, but quiet and slow. I can try to make a conversation with her, but I don't know how far I'll make it before she just brushes me off...Not in that way!" [b][u]Yoshito Nambu[/u][/b]: "Technically speaking, this guy's the new kid. He only showed up recently. However, I can just tell by the way he acts that he's a "better" student. From what I hear, I'm not that far off the mark. They say he got his power as a kid, and recruited himself here. What is with this place? It's like it attracts the best of the best! [b][u]Yori Shinya[/u][/b]: "When I first saw this kid, I felt like I had finally found a kindred spirit in this school! Then I heard the rumors of how good he really was. BOTH paths. Yeah. He takes both paths. Another prodigy. *sigh* I guess he's harmless enough. He doesn't really do much, and he doesn't actively try to start anything. Maybe I'll be able to talk to him normally or something...I doubt it, though." [u][b]Victorique "Victorica" Winterfield[/b][/u]: "Yeah. I'm convinced that I'm the only normal person here. At least in my classroom. Victorica, from what I hear she's a rich girl that managed to convince people to train her to be a ninja...after seeing what I've seen from her, I can personally say that they are right. She has a sort of mischievous look about her all the time, but I don't want to do address it. I don't think talking to her would stop anything she has planned for the day." [/hider] [b]Character Rank[/b]: D [b]Missions Completed[/b]: 0