[img]http://36.media.tumblr.com/079b90b95c7d3d8f1e417c4d5b617c0b/tumblr_n23yxrRKPp1spd0keo1_1280.jpg[/img] [url=http://40.media.tumblr.com/04fc70e21dbf368d1d015f29be81545d/tumblr_n3a14kS6aS1spd0keo1_1280.jpg]Look at that body.[/url] [b]Name:[/b] Hamano Kaori [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Height:[/b] 5'9 [b]Weight:[/b] 155 lbs [b]Path:[/b] Kurai [b]Personality:[/b] Kaori is what many would consider lazy. This is only partially true, as she is a relaxed and generally slow moving person, often giving off the impression that she is in a daze or a state of confusion. In reality, she is complete in control of her actions and is acutely aware of her surroundings. This facade allows her to remain mostly inconspicuous and get away with napping in class from time to time, since half the time she's ignoring class and writing notes that have no pertaining to anything that is actually going on. Her perception of others is almost nonexistent, as she'd prefer to simply be left alone, and fails to interact socially with others unless forced to. She is not a leader, but a passive follower and a reactionist. [b]Biography:[/b] Born and raised a few miles outside of a temple of monks, the village she lived in was one of peace and serenity. It was not one that young Kaori disliked. In fact, the tranquility of her little village, which farmed enough to sustain itself and the temple, is what gave her her lazy attitude and outlook on life. There wasn't a need to interact with other people, because everything was provided for her. However, by the time she was twelve, Kaori had grown tired of the lifestyle, and began to train her body. It wasn't combat training, just physical and muscle training. At fourteen, she arrived at the temple to train under some monks, who taught her two of the five types of Monkey Fist, however only a year and a half later she was kicked out once they found out she was practicing black magics. So, she permanently adopted the style of the Lost Monkey to give off a false impression, and went off to find and join the Shaolin School. [u][b]Martial Art Style[/b][/u] [i]Tai Shing Lost Monkey[/i] - Lost Monkey feigns a lot. Practitioners of Lost Monkey give the appearance of being lost and confused to deceive the opponent into underestimating his abilities, and he retaliates when it is least expected. The hands and footwork change and flow from each other at will. [i]Tai Shing Stone Monkey[/i] - The practitioner trains up his body to exchange blows with the opponent - Stone Monkey uses a kind of iron body method. It will leave an area exposed on its body for an opponent to attack, so it can attack a more vital spot on the body. It is important not to attack reflexively at open spots, and try to hammer away at their weak spots until they give in. [b][u]Magic Style[/u][/b] [i]Darkness Manipulation[/i] - The power to manipulate darkness/shadows in a variety of ways. [i]Black Lightning Manipulation[/i] - User can create, shape and manipulate manipulate the darker, destructive and consuming aspects of lightning, which ignores the limitations and weaknesses of normal lightning. Black lightning not only discharges energy, it shocks and destroys everything it touches, including regular and white lightning. [i]Dark Shield Construction[/i] - The user can create shields of varying shapes and sizes out of the darkness using umbra kinetic constructs. [b]Character Rank:[/b] D [b]Missions Completed:[/b] 0