[center] [b]Name [/b] Kyle Valor, tends to go by 'K' [b]Gender[/b] AMAB, Fluid gender – She or He depending on the mood/day. If you're unsure 'They' will suffice. [b]Age[/b] 22 [b]Home[/b] 100 lakeside way [b]Orientation [/b] Pansexual [b]Significant Other [/b] None [b]Occult[/b] Werewolf [b]Inherited Ability[/b] Night Vision [b]Special Ability[/b] Super Human Agility [b]Hidden Ability[/b] Super human speed [b]Occupation[/b] Card Dealer at the Boomtown Casino. What else would they be doing with their swift, dexterous hands? Well, besides that you dirty minded so-and-so! [b]Family [/b] What, you mean my folks? Oh they are all back in Texas, they won't be seen much around these parts. [b]Appearance[/b] [img] http://www.modelmanagement.com/blog/library/uploads/RubyRose.jpg[/img] Their dress and make up varies from day to day based on how they feel, sometimes a little masculine, some times more feminine. Some days a grab bag of both. [b]Werewolf Appearance[/b] [img] http://pre09.deviantart.net/78a3/th/pre/f/2013/108/3/3/332a1cffff8ecf2e72b7e9f4b4c36dac-d624fih.jpg [/img] Most werewolves are built like a brick house, K is built more like whipcord. When they wolf out they grow into this long-limbed, tower of a wolf. Standing a good foot and a half taller than your average werewolf, K tends to refuse to it as the 'sports model' werewolf, as it is a build for speed where most of their kind are built for the raw power. Not to call K weak of course, They could snap a full grown man in half and with their sheer height she has a decent amount of weight to throw around. But she is not the same kind of explosive power house as other wolves in their weight class. At the end of the day their greatest tools are their agility, speed, and reach. [b]Personality[/b] K is a notoriously playful flirt. Unless they really like you they won't do anything more than skin deep teasing and the occasional half serious pass. They are quick to smile, quick to make friends, and something of a social butterfly. They are the happiest around others. He always said it would figure he would be get turned into a werewolf. Pack of friends, loyal to a fault. Seems like the kind of life they'd be living anyways. Now they just get some interesting perks along with it. [b]History[/b] Born and raised in Texas. On the far east panhandle in a mind sized city. Not the best place to discover your divergent of the misinformed social norm gender status, but meh you play the card dealt to you. Father taught K to be proud, Mother taught K to be friendly, and Sister taught him to never take any shit from anyone. K took these lessons to heart and they are the core of who K is. They are proud of who and what they are, they love to make friends and to build a community around themselves, and they are more than willing to fight and die for what they believe or for what their friends believe in. [b]Occult History[/b] When K was only a family camping trip when they were 10, while wondering away from the sight late one night to get a good look at the stars there were attacked by a wild animal. It all happened so fast but it from what the young child could remember it was a massive wolf like creature. It wasn't until K started to change at 14 that they put the pieces together what really happened on that night. His family is privy, helped him keep it under wraps and learn to control it. When he graduated collage (BA in English, so no wonder they are working in a casino ) he moved out of Texas, partially because of their wanting to find a city that was a little more friendly to their gender identify, and partly to find a more active supernatural city. Shortly after arriving they hunted down and befriended local Alpha Nate, not at all interested in the vampires strict oppression of wolf kind, he gladly packed up with the defiant Nate (him being easy on the eyes didn't hurt). His having nice arms helped with the decision as well. [b]Occult Status[/b] Beta Wolf, member of Nate's pack. [b]Additional Info[/b] N/A for now [/center]