[h3][color=808080]Kayla Mackenzie[/color][/h3] [img]http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BxE6Q2uCYAALrnS.jpg:small[/img] [b]“[i]If you don't want to know the answer, don't ask the question[/i]”[/b] [b]N[/b]ame: [indent]Kayla Louise Mackenzie[/indent] [b]N[/b]ickname: [indent]Mack[/indent] [b]A[/b]ge: [indent]21[/indent] [b]G[/b]ender: [indent]Female[/indent] [b]S[/b]exuality: [indent]Heterosexual[/indent] [b]O[/b]riginal [b]F[/b]action: [indent]Candor[/indent] [b]A[/b]ptitude [b]R[/b]esult: [indent]Inconclusive[/indent] [b]F[/b]action [b]C[/b]hosen: [indent]Dauntless[/indent] [b]I[/b]n [b]D[/b]epth [b]A[/b]ppearance: [indent]Long wavy hair (dark brown to black) worn mostly loose or in a braid. Pale skin with a tendency towards redness in the cheeks and frequently dark circles under her eyes. Her eyes (vivid blue) take an otherwise quite ordinary face and make it somewhat less so. She has a slender figure with bust and hips on the smaller side but she is not so thin as to appear skin and bone. She is 5'9 in height and is a healthy weight for her height. She has no scars, tattoos or birthmarks.[/indent] [b]L[/b]ikes: [indent]The outdoors, running, drawing, Food, Brain puzzles[/indent] [b]D[/b]islikes: [indent]Deceit, Being cooped up, Arrogance, Criticism, Failure[/indent] [b]P[/b]ersonality: [center]♦ Direct ♦ Passionate ♦ Sarcastic ♦ Distant[/center] [indent]Unsurprisingly Kayla is direct when she speaks, pulling no punches and saying it how it is, having been raised to be so in Candor. She doesn't see a problem with this and often struggles to understand why others around her are not the same. Though she doesn't lie outright lie she has become very good at evasion. She will usually either make a sarcastic comment and avoid the question or she will deflect it back at you. She's not anti social as such, being more than happy to talk to others, but she does so whilst ensuring she gives away as little as possible about herself. She has intense emotions, whether it be anger or love etc, she feels things passionately and is always struggling to reign in this side of her nature. She doesn't trust easily and though she is often well liked for her sarcastic humour she has few close friends. The ones she has she trusts implicitly but if any broke her trust they would not get it back. She is quite lonely and wishes she had a closer family, or friends but has spent so long keeping everyone at a distance that she doesn't know how to open up anymore. She has a deep need to succeed and will push herself to the brink to do so. She takes rejection or losing very badly and sees it as her weakness for not succeeding.[/indent] [b]H[/b]istory: [indent]Kayla was born into Candor faction to David and Anna Mackenzie, her father was a prominent figure in their faction and as such had high expectations of his daughter. Her mother was a quiet woman who preferred not to be noticed whenever possible, this is due to Kayla's father. Throughout her life he has been a looming, overwhelming presence in her life, his harsh discipline and unreasonable expectations ruling her life. An extremely controlling man, he had his wife cowed, and constantly sought to mold his daughter into what he saw as the perfect child of a Mackenzie man. This included trying to make Kayla lose her passionate nature and become more cool and collected, as well as stamp out anything he saw as flawed. Kayla grew up in an environment of constant criticism, demands and abuse(verbal) taking the brunt of his frustrations at not having any more children (particularly a son) to succeed where Kayla had failed. Though she does not specifically know she is Divergent, she knows she is different and understands this is why she struggles to fit into the mold of Candor. She has tried for years to be the same as everyone else but there has always been something off... She imagines being in Erudite and finds what they do fascinating, she admires Amity's gentle ways and finds Dauntless exciting. Kayla doesn't know where she is meant to be or where she can fit in but all she knows is that she is determined to get away from her father. She is terrified that if she doesn't then she will become like her mother. A once vibrant woman whose sparkle has been worn away.[/indent]