Tordor watched as his opponent sailed by him just avoiding his strike. In a heartbeat Tordor’s eyes met his opponents as if time itself halted without warning. A moment later his opponent had bypassed him moving to his left directly in front of him. It was then he unleashed the power of the spirit of youth and time. The raw energy sweeping through him granting him new vitality. It seemed he was going to need it against this adversary. [color=DarkSlateBlue]“Time alter: [i]Triple accel![/i]”[/color] Suddenly time seemed to slow as Tordor’s perception and agility accelerated exponentially. As his opponent came in for her landing seven or so feet behind him, Tordor spun his blade palm up and turned to the left sharply. Shifting his left foot so it slid out to the left and bracing himself on his right leg he redirected his attention back to the left again. Now a blur of movement Tordor gripped his blade in two hands as he came in while his opponent recovered from their landing. His left hand taking hold of the blades fulcrum to allow even greater control and strength behind his strikes. He swept the blade in from his right, aiming for his opponent's torso on their left side right above the hip. Should his opponent send her weapon into parry or contest the blow, Tordor prepared to quickly flow into another strike or guard. His accelerated agility now granting him the advantage in both reach and speed over his opponent. Should the attack hit, the wash of black flames would grow in strength as they fed off the energy in his opponent's shield. In all likelihood cutting through her defences.