I have no idea where my character should be... He'll be out of place everywhere ;) Anyway, updated CS with personality, backstory and stuff: [hider=Dryad]Alias: Dryad. Real name: Gorm Daronga. Age: 134 standard earth years. Gender: None, male type personality. Appearance: Gorm is roughly the size of a large, muscular, male human. But that is where the similarities end. He is a plant, and looks like a tree specifically grown to mimic a human. He has a face similar to ours, a mouth than he can talk through, a nose to smell with and eyes to see. He lacks any sort of body hair or nails, but can grow claw-like spikes at the ends of his “fingers” if a need should arise. Basically, he does anything he can to look as human as possible. To hide his identity he goes for the old “trenchcoat, hat and glasses”, which works better than he could imagine. [hider=image][img]http://i514.photobucket.com/albums/t348/patribalanovsky/plant_human_small.jpg~original[/img][/hider] Personality: Gorm is a very friendly person who will always help those who befriend him in any way he can. He is not very talkative, and will mostly think anything he says through thoroughly before speaking. With this out of the way Gorm is a very confident and straight-to-the-point kind of guy. Gorm finds humans very interesting, as they are some of the first advanced animals he’s come across and takes great interest in the dumbest things. He regularly reads the newspapers, scanning the pages for the section where readers are allowed to submit their opinions and advice. Religion is another hobby of Gorm’s, not as a believer, but the mere practice of dividing the human race into segments depending on which superhuman entity they think is the coolest is fascinating. If possible, Gorm would like to bring a few humans to his sanctuary, he feels that they would like it there, and it would be interesting to see if they would be able to breed with a creature from another dimension. Short Biography: Gorm is a dimensional traveller from another earth. His earth is dying fast due to an environment turning hostile. He came to this earth in search of artifacts for his sanctuary, a dimension currently free of life, but which will support it. While this earth has some severe problems with nature, there are more pressing issues that he will help with as well. In return, he expects help from his new super-friends with gathering the artifacts. Powers, Skills & Equipment: Gorm’s race has evolved from sentient plants instead of creatures. This race has travelled to this dimension many times before and shared their culture which explains how tree-worship is so common. Apart from dimensional travel, Gorm can also meld with any material he comes into contact with, either by changing his own cells into the material, or the slightly more advanced technique of going into the material itself and move around freely. [hider=Powers] Superhuman strength - Many martial artists and body builders are said to have muscles of wood, or legs like tree trunks. For Gorm, this is true, and with his extra weight he can both pack a mean punch and easily move or lift things that humans would need advanced machines for. Plant growth - Gorm is a living plant, and can therefore grow as he wishes. He can even transform his own body entirely if there should be a need for it. So far he has kept a basically humanoid body, but could create an extra pair of arms, a tail, spikes, stingers, vines… Anything, given enough sunlight and water. This growth is super-accelerated compared to the natural growth of plants in this dimension. An arm would take about three minutes to grow from scratch. Dimensional travel - Gorm’s race can travel to other dimensions at will. This is because they are rooted into the essence of the earth and the dimensions are only different perspectives to his race. While he moves in one dimension he will also move in all the others. Melding 1 - The cells that make up Gorm’s body is fundamentally different to those found in this dimension. They can change at will into pretty much any substance or material, ledning all pros and cons of that material to Gorm. There must be present a large enough sample for this to work. At least enough to be held in both hands. Melding 2 - This more advanced technique builds upon the first melding. Gorm’s cells will take on the properties of the material, and this will allow him to “go into” the material at will. Note that the material must exist in enough quantity to allow Gorm’s whole body to fit.[/hider] [hider=Skills] Biology A-student - While Gorm is not in detail familiar with this dimension or its flora and fauna, he does possess a deep understanding of its basic principles and can therefore deduce much information from very little, but he might be using the wrong words for humans to understand as well.. Plant empathy - Because Gorm is a plant, he shares an empathic bond with many plants just like a human would with a dog or a cat. Sapling - Gorm can combine his anatomy with any plant in any dimension and “take over” their properties permanently. [/hider] [hider=Equipment] Nothing to speak of. [/hider] Weakness: Plant body - As a plant Gorm have no need of food, but can survive entirely on water and sunlight. This of course means that if he is cut off this these power sources he would quickly lose power and die within a few days. Fire is also a big hazard. Strange priorities - Gorm is an explorer, and close to what humans call a “scientist”. Sometimes he’ll do strange stuff. [hider=Full Biography] Gorm never chose to be hero, he still hasn’t. He never became superhuman, he was born this way, just like millions of other dimensional travellers that have visited the human dimension in the past. Gorm comes from a dimension of earth where the entire planet is dominated by plant life, animals are very few, and most of them are not even as evolved as our insects. this earth is stable, and rides around the sun in a smooth circular orbit, flanked by two moons. The moons orbit perfectly on each side of the planet, making floods almost a non-issue. In the middle of the largest continent stands the world tree. A massive thing several kilometers high and with a crown large enough to cover almost half the continent in darkness. Seven large roots seeks out each of the world seas to provide the tree with an almost unlimited amount of water. On land these roots are as tall as the highest wall, effectively dividing the land into six countries. On the ground underneath it huge crown falls the seeds, and these are swallowed by the earth for many years before they too take root. They spew out long tendons which seeks out one of the seven great roots to share the water. As these seeds grow, they will eventually lose the need for these tendons, and once they are cut, the plant gains the ability to move around freely, unbound by the earth. Every seed the world tree drops has a mind, but it is empty, and naive. With the water from one of the seven seas comes experience, and the body of the grown plant is altered. Plants that has sucked salty water are pale and gangly, but rich with expressions, while plants that has drank from the clean underwater lakes grow big, but their minds are still young. It is unknown to Gorm and his fellows if the world tree itself is sentient, it has never given any sign of it. A few hundred years ago an asteroid hit earth, it landed in one of the world seas and caused a terrible tsunami that swept far into the large continent. Many plants drowned in the water, of were ripped apart by the force of the wave. After that, the space rock sat at the bottom of the ocean for a while, not long, then it cracked, and something seeped out. The ocean turned pink in only a few weeks. Seaweed and plankton died en masse, and were replaced with tiny bacteria that fed on their bodies. Once they had fed, they started to fill the air with chemicals. A heavy smog rolled in from the sea, blocking the sunlight and killing smaller plants. Gorm and his companions climbed high up into the world tree to escape, and saw the entire planet enveloped in the noxious fumes. One by one trees, bushes, flowers, grass and weeds died, only the world tree and its children were spared, for now. High up, a meeting was held, a solution must be found, or else they’d all die as well. The world tree already showed signs of illness. To save the tree and themselves they would all leave this dimension and search for one which could still support life, and bring the world tree there. Gorm and his fellows travelled for many years. First in groups, but as they travelled through an infinite number of alternative earths they scattered. Gorm met many unusual things during this time, and he remembers it fondly. One day Gorm stepped through the barrier into an empty planet. There was nothing around except for land, mountains, lakes and rivers. He had stumbled upon a perfect earth, one that for some reason hadn’t been able to spawn its own life even though everything needed was there. He remembered where he was and set out again. He found his people and melded with them so that they would know as well. Each kept travelling for some time, to make sure that everyone still alive had heard the wonderful news. Then they all met at home. The plan was as simple as it was unbearably hard. They would travel to a watery world and fill themselves with water. Then they would go back, and cut off the seven huge roots that connected the world tree to the earth. This was the dangerous part. If the tree died, no one knew what would happen, once uprooted, would they still be able to travel to a safe place? They had to take the chance. Once the tree was free, everyone would hold on, and at the same time travel to the sanctuary and there they would set the world tree down and use their water to grow new roots for the tree. Life felt strangely boring after that. Before, the days were filled with gardening, philosophy, scientific study, mapping of the planet and stars (all of which had to be redone) and many other things. But after spending the better part of a century jumping from one strange place to the next, staying in one place, doing the same things as before, it just felt boring. Also, being the only form of life on the planet didn’t help. Many of his companions agreed, they needed more life, otherwise there could be no real ecosystem. Some of them began to travel again, Gorm one of them. They wished to find interesting plants and animals to fill their new earth with. Gorm stepped into the human dimension late at night and managed to slip into trouble within a minute. He was in a large jungle somewhere, and it was filled to the brim with strange and interesting life forms. In the distance he heard a rumbling sound and walked toward it to see what it was. As he was about to walk through a large bush a great metal sword came through and took his right arm clean off. Terrified, Gorm instantly turned and took off at his best speed. He didn’t even worry about the arm, he had plenty of water and could grow a new one later. A scream pierced the droning sound and made him turn, that was not a good scream. You could tell a lot from a scream, even if you didn’t hear all of it. For instance, there was a world of difference between a scream that said “Help, I’m backed in a corner and he has a knife!” and a scream that said “Help, I’m drunk out of my skull, have stepped on my own fingers and can’t get up!” This scream was closer to the first one. Not one to ignore someone (or thing) in danger, Gorm turned around and headed back. From afar he now saw great metal machines with sawblades attached on long arms, one of them had poked through the bush. All of the machines were lined up nicely, but one was in front of the line, and still going. In a glass compartment on top was some form of biological life form, but it seemed to be asleep, unconscious or dead. Other, similar life forms left their machines and came running for the rogue, but couldn’t seem to find a safe way to climb onto the thing. There was a river not far ahead, a pretty deep one as well, if they couldn’t help their companion it would probably end up in the water and drown. Gorm did what he had to. He stepped into the river and rooted himself as far as he would go. He had placed himself directly in front of the machine and as expected, the thing hit him with full force. The machine nearly broke Gorm in half, but somehow he managed to hold it. The creatures were able to get their friend out, and were breathing easy. Thanking luck that a tree was growing in the middle of the river just like that. Gorm let the machine go, and ran away as the huge thing was half swallowed and half carried away by the water. Gorm spent some time in the jungle, learning about this earth. Then he stepped out and made his presence known. Surprised that the humans he’d revealed himself to hadn’t been very surprised. They said that superhumans walked the earth. Mechanical monsters, visitors from other planets, ancient gods and mutants. Interesting... [/hider] Fun facts: Gorm hates “save the environment”-activists, they are worried about nonsense. Gorm can eat just like a human, he just doesn’t like the taste of food in this dimension. Gorm once visited a dimension currently in an ice age and nearly died. Gorm loves the sound of people playing ping-pong. If he’s fed with dyed water, Gorm will change colour. Gorm has never been peed on by a dog. [/hider]