Captain took the drink and nodded slightly as he took the cigarette from her fingers. Cyrek was a bit different, a little rough around the edges but then again so was she. They seemed to be on the same page when it came to the ship and as long as he kept her boat in the air she dealt with his blowing up on the rest of the crew. He knew the ship and had pulled her out of more than one tight spot when things decided to stop working. "Good, now we can get off this world soon as the computers where ready to go." As if on cue Benson reported in that all way aces and they were good to go. Taking a long drink she finished the can off before tossing it into the trash and hit the button on the com. "Alright children, all day trips cancelled. Ship is ready to go, load up, secure the cargo and let's get of this gorram planet. April to the bridge, get this bird in the air, we have a shipment to deliver," Captain commanded through the com before releasing her finger from the com. Turning she looked at Cyrek. "No red X's on you door. Hannah might take it as a place to test out her explosives," Captain said quickly. "Once we break atmo, I need a spotter, see you in the main hanger later," she said before turning on her heels and making her way towards the bridge. It was time to move out and be damned on waiting on anyone to do anything else. They could get ready to go or exit the boat. They had about ten minutes to make up their minds before take off.