As of now, we have six planned CS's, 4 written and 2 planned. I believe we have enough. I will also be maining the Jasmine Dragon leader/squad leader depending on how things turn out. Basically, I am temp locking this. I would appreciate some feedback, what do you all think? Is 6 players and a leader-person-thingy enough? Is it not enough? Let me know. Anyways, the bloodbending stuff. I was thinking of basically powering it down, full moon nights bring them to the strength we see in the series. It can temporarily hold people and make them do things, but if something truly goes against the person who is being bended upon (the bendee) it won't work. So bloodbending cannot make a person do something they never would otherwise, unless it's a full moon. It then becomes nearly unstoppable. I was also thinking the bloodbender's culture would do a number to restrict it as well. The bloodbenders, as a whole, have evolved (or devolved) into a semi-civil state. These benders, on nights of the full moon, lose themselves almost completely and the power overtakes them, affecting each in different ways. Some people react with violence, some shut down. Also, bending one's own blood or that of relatives is much easier than someone else's. So a short summary, bloodbending's overall power is diminished to temporary and less controlled holds. Willpower is capable of breaking the bloodbending hold. Bloodbending on a willing person or on oneself is much easier and less taxing. Bloodbending can now be used to heal on willing people, but is undiscovered as a whole among the "crazy" bloodbenders. And sam4books, I'm glad you want to explore the idea of healing through bloodbening, I was hoping someone would do so. And yes, the use of your own blood as mentioned will work the way you have described. Any questions or idea or such, go ahead and ask/add. I'm always open to suggestions. --- Edit: And to expand upon the temp lock. The two who have told me they are creating a CS are in for sure, those who have written CS's are accepted, and if you are reading this and haven't told me you were making a CS and have't made one, don't feel like you're guaranteed out. While this RP is now locked, if you submit a CS after this time, I will save your CS and put you on a wait list. If something happens to one of the accepted players (RL drama/site ban/ other random crap I hope doesn't happen) I will PM someone who applies from here on out (after this lock) to see if he/she wants a spot.