Twain lifted dark shaded glasses to his face as the explosion flashed, and a cocky smile turned his smirk, “they do say it is better to go out with a bang.” He scratched his chin thoughtfully and snapped his fingers, “gotta write that one down.” With the danger all but over and the need of a doctor suddenly arising, Twain figured it was about time he introduced himself. He slipped from behind the rock and slowly sauntered up to the others, make sure to clap his hands in approval at the kill, after all, don’t want to be rude. he took a long look at the scorch mark where crimson gore rested and he suddenly felt the need to pinch his nose from the acrid stench. “[url=]It would appear our friend is a man of many parts, pity[/url],” Twain said almost to himself as he thought After a few seconds of staring past his sunglasses, he shoved his hands into his rich northern tailored pants and smiled friendly at the gathered masses, “Did I overhear that someone was in the need of a doctor?”