Hugh nodded, a smile plastered across his face as she referenced how he was the only one to give her such a kind greeting. He listened intently to the woman, still puffing on his pipe while mulling over everything she would say. He ended up raising an eyebrow when she spoke of how Sana was a bard. He knew well of her musical talent, but it hadn't struck him that she was a bard. He simply nodded the notion off, and continued listening. When Sana and Arianna came down, he looked to them to see to his surprise their similarities they shared. An eyebrow rose as he looked the both of them up and down, first taking a quick glance at Arianna to note her features, and then taking a long time to look Sana up and down, before looking back to Arianna and then back to the nun. The nun had made the note regarding them as his [i]'family'[/i]. He couldn't help but smile at the comment as she left their presence. He gave a little wave as she wandered off, and turned to meet Sana's gaze. "Yes, I'll geet right to that." He said, before feeling the kiss on his cheek, and falling into his boyish habit of swimming in thoughts of her. He quickly righted himself, before he was struck by the sweet little kiss of one of the tiniest human beings on the planet. He was stunned with happiness, as he rubbed his cheek and looked to the two of them as they ascended the staircase. Hugh shook his head for a moment, the pipe and smile still distinct features of his face. He took a few more puffs of the pipe, before snuffing it, tucking it away in his bag, and heading upstairs, with the bag in hand. He walked slowly up the stairs, deep in thoughts that made him smile from ear to ear. His fantasies were now more along the lines of thinking of his future. The image of a little cottage and Sana and he living a quiet life with maybe the little one to raise as their own. Hugh slowly opened the door to his and Sana's room, revealing the presence of a bath. It wasn't fresh, but nonetheless, it was a bath. Without further adieu, he shut the door behind him and threw the bag at the head of the bed. He proceeded to throw his clothes into a pile on top of the bag. Now completely naked, he stepped into the water, lowering himself in, and just relaxing. The water was now lukewarm, but sufficient, as Hugh was more used to bathing in ice cold running water. He leaned back against the wall of the tub, his feet propped up at the other end of the tub. He just sat back and relaxed, scrubbing his body little by little, and just enjoying the bath. He almost felt like sleeping in it, but he preferred the warmth of a bed, and his beloved to hold over becoming a pink raisin.