Hugh perked up the moment he saw Sana enter the room. He gave a cheerful smile towards her, as she came over to him, "Why yes, I am." He just soaked in her touch and her kiss, drifting off into his head as fantasies began to take over his thoughts. He just continued to scrub himself, taking a peek as she went to bed, before his eyes drifted over to the water, and he finished up scrubbing. He took a moment to relax again, before picking himself up from the water. It all seeped off him, he feeling thoroughly soaked to the bone and cleaner than he had felt in a long time. Stepping out of the tub, he dried himself off, and put on his pair of black shorts. Leaving the towel at the toe of the tub, he walked over to the side of the bed he had claimed, and lifted the covers, crawling under them and making himself cozy. Soon, he wrapped his arms around the woman he was sharing the bed with, bringing her close to his own body. He put his nose against her head, giving a slight kiss to her before he drifted off to slumber. It was about time, as no doubt all of the party was thoroughly exhausted from the rough day.