Name: Hitomi Matsumoto Age: 18 Height: 5’6” Weight: 145 lbs Path: Kurai Weapon: Katana Appearance: [hider][img] [/img][/hider] Personality: Hitomi is very quiet and reserved; she doesn’t care for loud noises or grand displays. When speaking to her, it may take some time for her to respond because she chooses her words very carefully. She may at times seem detached from the world we live in, but she is well aware of what is happening in her vicinity at any given time. She tends not to get close to people, because such a thing for her is akin to a sacred bond that can never be broken. She loathes deception and more than that, being pitied. Biography: Born completely blind, Hitomi has lived her entire life in darkness. That being said, she is more than capable of taking care of herself, to the point that she has even trained to manipulate the darkness which constantly surrounds her. Ordinary schools didn’t seem to challenge her enough, so she and her parents decided that she had to find a greater challenge. Perhaps there was a place where she would not only be challenged academically, but perhaps magically as well… Martial Art Style: 1.) Aikido – A form of hand-to-hand martial arts that focus on redirecting and terminating attacks, utilizing turning movements, throws, and joint locks. 2.) Aiki-ken – A form of swordplay that utilizes techniques found in Aikido. Magic Style: 1.) Shadow Mimicry – Hitomi can transform herself into a living shadow, which grants her great speed, and the ability to slip through cracks. However, the shadow she becomes is a physical object and as such, she can still be harmed while in this form. 2.) Shadow Manipulation – She can manipulate shadows that are already cast, turning them into physical forms (they have a silky texture) that she can use to bind or strike her opponents. 3.) Shadow Empathy – More for her own benefit than an actual attack, she can use the shadows to “feel” her way around different areas and surfaces.