Cassandra shrugged at Alice. "The wild boar you brought us last time was a favorite of some of the locals so if you can get us one or two of those again that would be great. If you can't find any, just bring us what ever you can find. Berries will be tough this time of year with all the snow." She answered. Arielle looked to Durin as he sat down. She listened as he explained what he had learned. The bandits were getting bold. Even Veo was offering a reward, something must have been rather important on that delivery. "Not all their heads, just one....." She paused for a second to look around at all the occupants. This was all that had gathered in here?... oh well they will have to do. They all looked rather skilled enough for a bandit hunt. She rose from her seat and with a loud voice she spoke. "I would like to have all your attention!" She yelled. "Some of you know me, and some of you don't. I am the shield maiden of this region. I have a proposition and a chance to make some gold. Not to far up the northern road a old man delivering supplies was hit by bandits. The Jarl and the shop keeper Veosnaz is offering rewards for the bandits and their defeat. This is not a capture mission, this is a seek and destroy one. The Jarl does not wish for any of the bandits to be left alive. Only one head is needed, and that head belongs to the leader of this bandit group. Bring it before the Jarl and you will be paid." She said looking about the room. Cassandra sighed and felt that that explained why they hadn't gotten their supplies yet. She was intrigued as to why Veo wanted them dead to. What was on that wagon that meant so much to him. She was curious ,and wanted to find out for herself. It was tempting to go on this mission with this group. However, there was no telling how long it would take them to find these bandits. It would not be long before they made the trip up the mountain again. Cassandra looked about the tavern to see if anyone was taking note as to what the Jarl's wife was telling them. She saw the two elves, clad in gold armor listening intently. Finally the female rose up her wings stretching for a second and then folding back in place. She moved to Arielle and bowed slightly. "Myself and my partner are interested in taking part in this hunt. We of the order will make sure the bandits pay for their crimes." She said her head rising from the bow and she gave a little wink accompanied by a smile. Haldir rose up to join his companion placing a hand on Eirika's shoulder. "The Order of Corellan Larethian is at the Jarl's service. We will act as the executioners for these criminals who have done you people harm." He said. Arielle nodded returning the bow that the lady gave her with one of her own. "Thank you kinsmen. You two will be traveling with Durin here. My husband appointed him as the one in charge of this hunt." She said and their eyes fell upon the dwarf. Haldir nodded and shrugged off any dis pleasantries. The dwarf was better then any drow elf I suppose. At least the dwarves were more more trustworthy. Eirika being the person she was moved to Durin and then offered her hand. "It will be a pleasure to work beside you Durin." She said. Haldir smirked and then looked about the tavern to see if anyone else would join on the quest. He then looked to Arielle. "Will a member of the village be joining us? I would expect so seeing as this attack was a bit more at home." Arielle looked straight for the one person in the tavern that was born here. Alice. She then shrugged. "Perhaps, there might be someone who might join you." She answered.