[hider=Image][img]http://i.imgur.com/8oGgwUv.jpg?1[/img][/hider] [b]Roleplay:[/b] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/85354-till-the-snow-falls-a-samurai-tale/ooc]Till the Snow Falls[/url] [B]Name[/b] Raremashita Kamiko [B]Age[/b] 14 [B]Gender[/b] Female [B]Physical Description:[/b] With long black hair and standing at five foot even, Raremashita Kamiko stands over… nobody, really. Physically she hasn’t really been conditioned to run and especially hasn’t been trained to endure physically taxing situations like combat. On ceremonial occasions her dress can be even more extravagant and her hair can be strewn into a formal hairstyle but for the most part she prefers it long over restrained. [B]Skillset:[/b] At fourteen years of age it is no surprise that the skills Kamiko holds are not in great quantity. However, she does have an edge over many despite her ignorance of the world at large due to the fact she had never left her castle until the siege that set the Raremashita Clan ablaze; thus lending to a lack of knowledge and naivety of how her father had been running the realm, economic consequences, and peasant life in general. On the offset, Kamiko is not unintelligent as she appears to be just the opposite with skills of deductive reasoning, logical thinking, and degrees of knowledge strictly “restricted” to nobility. Physically speaking Kamiko is quick but weak, allowing herself a decent dexterity but nothing compared to a shinobi of even relative age. [list][*]Intelligent [*]Perceptive [*]Quick[/list] [B]History:[/b] Born in the midst of winter in 1554, Raremashita Kamiko is the de jure heir of her clan and the lands of Hiroaki and for the majority of her life would never step foot away from her home at Raremashita Castle. She is the third child of her father, the first being her elder brother (Raremashita Toshiyuki, b. 1542) who was declared dead during the 2nd Gekido Uprising-- the second being her elder sister (Raremashita Makoto, b.1546) the wife of Torikku Tadao, a minor lord in southern Japan. With several years of a difference between her older siblings, Kamiko was the unexpected child. When she was five years old a sickness grasped her mother, taking her away from the world. The sadness she felt was something she didn’t later learn could be filled with distractions such as games of the mind; which is where her affinity for thought and intrigue was immediately discovered. She continued to develop her intellect as time went on, but with her brother distant from her and her sister several provinces away it left her education on her heartbroken father and the scholars he had as retainers. This, of course, was one of the reasons for her growing ignorance and arrogance as the scholars would teach her one-sided philosophies and by proxy increase her ego and pride through pseudo-answers and superfluous compliments as well as half-truths. It was then in due time that war finally came to Hiroaki as the consequences of the Gekido Uprising many years prior had finally re-emerged in the form of the lone survivor of the Gekido Clan. However, Kamiko thought nothing of another “peasant uprising” believing it to be something of no concern as the Gekido Clan had been handled before as she was told by her educators and family. During the war known as the 2nd Gekido Uprising the young girl found herself concerned with fueling her educational pursuits as well as continuing to win games of logic against her elders. Kamiko took no studies in archery, advanced martial arts, or weapon arts as she truly did believe such things beneath a future ruler like herself: the best weapon was the individual’s intellect after all… or so she believed. As the weeks turned into months, the shadows of the Gekido seemed more fierce than ever before, the realm began to shift. Kamiko returned to her studies and games, oblivious to what was coming. Fire, smoke, and death: the war had finally come to Raremashita Castle, something that Kamiko had thought inconceivable. After all, what rabble could possibly infringe on her lands and take away her servants from her? She was angry but also quite afraid as the reality of an improbable result was upon her and her family, a reality that would take her brother's own life on that same day. Her worst fears and frustrations came true when she was called to her father’s chambers as his most trusted retainers stood there with eyes on her. She wasn’t stupid, knowing full well what was happening as she was forced to flee the castle. She didn’t shed one tear as she screamed in anger as fire consumed the castle and the siege against her family had concluded. So it began. [B]Psychological Profile:[/b] Raremashita Kamiko is self-absorbed, arrogant, impatient, proud, egocentric, and naive to many things outside of her small comfort zone. In many words she is a stereotypical noble heir of Japan. However, as is obvious by the recent treachery by her clan’s enemies she is in a very precarious emotional state right now as she struggles with the pride of never showing weakness and the very emotionally devastating reality that everything she knows is gone with the people who cared for her; to skirt the line of anger, pride, despair, and hate is a psychologically taxing one indeed, especially for a child no matter how “mature” or “intelligent” they dare to attempt to seem. [B]Equipment/Weapons:[/b] N/A [hider=Other Info] [b]Raremashita Masanori[/b] 1493-1544 [color=787878]Grandfather[/color] [b]Raremashita Sayuri[/b] ([sub][i]ne. Udejki[/i][/sub]) 1496-1550 [color=787878]Grandmother[/color] [b]Raremashita Hisashi[/b] 1520-1569 [color=787878]Father[/color] [b]Raremashita Emiko[/b] ([sub][i]ne. Chujitsuna[/i][/sub]) 1526-1559 [color=787878]Mother[/color] [b]Raremashita Toshiyuki[/b] 1543-1569 [color=787878]Brother[/color] [b]Torikku Makoto ([sub][i]ne. Raremashita[/i][/sub])[/b] 1546- [color=787878]Sister[/color] [b]Raremashita Kamiko[/b] (1554- ) [/hider]