[b]Hunter - Kaelle[/b] The huntress had been climbing the mountain to the city for about an hour now, getting lost occasionally when the path deviated from Adin. The gates were huge and daunting, as were the two guards that stood watch out front, clad in steel armour. This was nothing like the border. Just within a few hours the weather had gone from bright to completely dull, with an eerie fog that sat in the air like a blanket. Kaelle had to squint to see distances from afar, it was that dark. She approached the gate but one of the guards immediately stepped forward, holding out his hand in a "stop" gesture. "Halt, stranger," he bellowed, not moving an inch. "State your business." "I have come by request of your king," Kaelle stated as she swung her rucksack onto one shoulder and began rummaging intently through it. From the bag she pulled out a invitation, bore with a red seal, and presented it to the guard. The big man took it and his eyes darted back and forth, examining every inch of the paper possible. "Very well," he finished, handing back the paper to the huntress. "A few others of your kind have already arrived, you are not the first. Follow the main road to the castle and you will find housing within the area. Welcome to Adin." The city gates heaved open with a loud and unsettling creak allowing Kaelle to get a better view of the capital. Simply put, it wasn't pretty. At first glance it was dark and gloomy, the citizens taking quick glances at the stranger to their city before hurrying along the cobbled road. Mothers pulled their children closer to their sides and wary eyes peeked through the dusty wooden shutters of stores and homes. A blacksmith pounded away rhythmically at a hot steel sword, fresh from blazing flames. As Kaelle continued to walk up the road she noticed a man dressed in dark clothing leaning against a wall, appearing to look at the castle's gates - which were equally impressive to the city's. She recognised him from the moment she had finished her journey to the top of the mountain, performing a similar routine to her when she first arrived - meaning handing the city guards a piece of paper. Tapping him on the shoulder from behind, she asked, "Did the King summon you here too?"