[@Halvtand] Accepted, post it in the Characters-section! [@Gentlemanvaultboy] Looks almost good enough, but I'd like you to add how he acts in social situations in 'Personality', and also you should add what he does when he isn't being a hero. Where does he sleep, charge his batteries etc in the 'Short Biography'. Otherwise it looks great! Everyone, listen up! We need everyone to decide where they will be starting out with their hero. Thus far, we have this: [indent] [b]Grimmarch:[/b] Havoc, Hercules, Dryad, Frankenstein [b]Claychester:[/b] Dangerman, Echo, Godsmith, Anarchy [b]New Skywell:[/b] Black Static, Corona, Blue Shift, Number 5, Roulette [/indent] [s]The rest of you; try to spread out somewhat equally, I think a minimum of 3 is needed in every city. So at least one more to Grimmarch.[/s]