Freshman. Nothing beats being awfully lonely at the most Prestige University in all America. Wait, something was missing.. Lonely and socially awkward and/or disturbed. Hayley had never been comfortable being in new situations. It took her at least a few days to analyze everything around her before she felt at ease. Even then.. [b]"Hayley, right?!"[/b] A high pitch voice peeked out from the silently mumbling students gathered in the University Hall. Shuffling her feet back and forth twice to finally turn her head over to the annoyingly sound next to her. In front of her was this extremely coldly dressed blonde chick, fluttering her eyes as if there was a hair poking in it. At least, that's how Hayley interpreted it. [b]"Heey yes, I'm talking to you Hayley. I'm your sorority sister Becka! I haven't seen you in like.. Forever right?!"[/b] Hayley now recognized the girl in front of her. She was the one that showed her around on the first day: it took her 5minutes to realize her mouth wouldn't shut up for the next hour or so, so Hayley had friendly thanked her and left silently. It wasn't the best way to handle people that were nice to you, but it seemed like the girl didn't held a grunge about it. [b]"Becka, nice to see you...Again?"[/b] Hayley's voice squeaked a little, making her cough awkwardly. [b]"Yessss, very nice.. Yes yes.. Right. I was wondering.. We have this party on Saturday and.. Well, you haven't done anything for our sorority home yet." [/b] At that point Becka had already unzipped her purse and pulled out a heap of paper flyers. [b]"Hang these out around school will ya? Thanks a LOT."[/b] What looked like a duckface and a wink or two, and Becka made her way out of the Hall. She had pushed the flyers into Hayley’s sweaty hands and whilst unbelievably staring Becka's way out, the first and last flyer stuck to her sweaty fingers so hard, the rest fell onto the floor. [b]"W-What, wait..?..EHH!"[/b] The white, polished floor was spread out with bright pink messages like 'LET'S ROCK ON SATURDAY' and 'BRING YOUR BEST SMILE!'. As for the gathered Hall: They were all waiting for the lector to return with their algebra books that were freshly delivered this morning. So, waiting people plus unhandy uncommon girl equals.. That's right, laughter. Her cheeks blushing bright red and her knees feeling sore from picking up all those flyers, Hayley didn't feel the need to get that new textbook anyhow. Therefore she made sure her task would be fulfilled by tonight. The start of her journey: The library.