[b][center]A New Day Begins[/center][/b] Sana only stirred slightly as Hugh climbed into bed next to her, feeling his arms wrap around her and pulling her close. She sighed gently in her sleep, curling up close to him before she drifted back into deep slumber. The night went peacefully enough but Sana was plagued with a nightmare reliving her father dying in her arms and sometime in the dark hours as the moon hung high in the sky she awoke with a startle and sat straight up in bed; breathing heaving from the dream as she looked around and took a moment to see that she was not at the slaver camp but in facet still in bed. Rubbing her face she slid out of bed and got a drink of water, her hands shaking somewhat. She was about to turn and crawl back in bed when she heard a soft knock at the door. Perking a brow she wondered who could be disturbing her and Hugh in the middle of the night as she stepped over to the door and listened. It was quiet on the other side, shrugging to herself she opened the door and glanced around. Seeing nothing she about turned back to shut the door and then felt a tug on her shirt. Looking down there was Ariana standing there, Sister Agnes quickly coming up behind her. “I am so sorry, she must have snuck out,” Sister Agnes whispered. Sana waved her off and picked the little one up, resting her against her hip. “It’s okay, she can stay with us for the night,” Sana said quietly. Sister Agnes smiled and nodded before heading to her own room. Sana looked at Ariana and placed a finger to her lips. “Shh, we don’t want to wake up Hugh,” Sana whispered gently before closing the door and making her way back to bed. Ariana nodded with a sleepy smile on her lips as Sana sat down on the edge of the bed and slid them both under the covers. Resting down Sana pressed her back against Hugh as the little one curled up in her arms and tucked her head under Sanas chin. It did not take long for both of them to fall back to sleep and Sana was very grateful that the nightmare did not return for another visit. The sun rose slowly but the town was even slower to rise that morning, many had been up late helping to clean up the town or to take care of the refugees from the slaver camp. The old Apothecary still had not seen his bed as morning came through the windows, trying to finish up new batches of potions he hoped would help the group on their travels. With the money they had donated to the village he would be able to restock his supplies quickly so he didn’t hold back creating things he thought would be of use. Sana did not wake as the sun rose and even the call of the village rooster did not bring her out of the deep sleep she was in. It did however bring the little one to wakeness, who sat up slowly and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. The smell of breakfast was wafting up from the kitchen below as the inn keeper prepared a large buffet of sorts for all the guests of the inn and anyone else in the village that came for breakfast that morning. Ariana breathed deeply and licked her lips but remained in bed, playing with the rings Sana have given her to keep safe. The gentle cling of metal ringing out every so often as she played with them, sliding them back and forth on the chain that hung around her neck. Sister Agnes woke early and made her way down to the main room of the inn, getting something to eat and resting down at a table. She hoped today would be calm and that the group could head out. They had the first item they needed but there was still so much more to collect and the children over at the orphanage would need it as quickly as the group could manage to gather them.