[b]Faction Name:[/b] The Xenomorphs [b]Origin:[/b] The Aliens Series [b]Faction Type:[/b] Hive mind [b]Faction Rank:[/b] No idea [b]Color:[/b] Black [b]Assigned GM:[/b] No idea [b]Starting Area:[/b] R2 [b]Faction Introduction:[/b] The Xenomorphs are predatory creatures with no higher goals than the propagation of their species and the destruction of any life that could pose a threat to them. After an intense battle at an alien temple between the Xenomorphs, the Colonial Marines, and the Predators, some crazy shit went down and a rip in the space-time continuum opened up. The Xenomorph queen got chucked through this rip by a Colonial Marine. Upon arriving on Adaebis, the Xenomorph queen and the Xenomorphs that followed their queen through the rip quickly set about building a new hive and Braving the Brave New World. [b]Faction Strengths:[/b][list] [*] Can hybridize with their host races. [*] Almost invisible in the dark. [*] Doesn't require food. [*] Can use their enemies as incubators. [*] Reproduce quickly provided they have a steady supply of hosts. [*] Are hard to find, since they mainly live underground [/list] [b]Faction Weaknesses:[/b][list] [*] Weak against fire. [*] Fall into disarray without a queen. [*] They don't do diplomacy (For the most part). [*] Aren't known for using tools [/list] [hider=Xenomorph army] [list] [*] 1 Queen [*] 9 Praetorians [*] 90 Runners [*] 900 Warriors [*] 9000 Drones [*] 90000 Facehuggers [/list] [/hider]