Fiona slept comfortably and undisturbed through the night, even the noises of the others who had turned in later than she failing to wake her. Her fatigue had swiftly caught up with her after her fight with the hell hound, and soreness became quickly apparent when she woke in the morning, her muscles somewhat stiff with an ache. It wasn't too bad, though, and she took it as a sign that she was getting stronger. Having taken the time to thoroughly wash before sleeping the night before, Fiona merely splashed her face with some water to shake off what vestiges of sleep she could, pushing her disorganized mass of red hair off to one side to get it out of the way. She could tell by the general lack of noise below her that she was one of the earlier risers, and figured there would be some time before they set out for the day, to make sure everyone was well-fed and prepared. Leaving her armor and weapons in the room, she slid into some comfortable leggings and laced up a light tunic, rolling the sleeves to her elbows. She pondered a moment going barefoot, but in the end threw on some socks and quickly laced up her boots, heading out the door and down the stairs. Fiona noted that breakfast had already been prepared for them, and soon noticed with some surprise that Tobias was already down. She'd half expected him to hibernate until she had to drag him out, after his ordeal yesterday. The... skeletal guy, Mortosh she thought she'd heard, had chosen to sit across from him. Fiona considered for a moment trying to rescue him, but figured he could handle himself. Instead she collected a breakfast for herself, eggs and some fruit, and took a seat across from Sister Agnes, who had also arrived before her. "Good morning, Sister," she greeted, taking a moment to tie her hair back loosely and keep it away from her food. "I hope you at least got some sleep last night?" There had been a lot of work to do, preparing things for the group, which Fiona regretted she didn't have the skill to assist with. "How are the others? The ones we brought back from the camp. Everyone pulling through?"