Vaeri stayed up the rest of the night chatting with Derrix and reading through her book. About an hour before dusk, she heard some clinking of metal inside of the inn. She enjoyed reading, but the night had been long and she could only sit still for so long before she had to begin moving. The innkeeper was probably preparing breakfast, given the number of mouths he'd need to feed, he would probably need some help. She waved farewell to the stranger (if he was still awake), and stood up to go into the inn. To her surprise, she was almost immediately turned down, the innkeeper citing that she was covered in blood and didn't want any of that getting into the food. Vaeri had completely forgotten. Well it was good thing she'd already purchased a room that she could use to clean up in. The inn contained far more in the way of ingredients and tools than she carried on her person which allowed her an easier time especially compared with trying to keep meat clean in the middle of a forest. While she was no expert, Vaeri did enjoy cooking and had a decent knowledge of recipes that she was mostly confident in making. However, since she was cooking for a large group, she opted on easy things that could be left together on a plate. She found most of her time being devoted to cooking eggs. Lots and lots of eggs. She had to whisk so much that it made her battle-hardened arms feel like limp noodles. Shortly after Fiona came down to eat, Vaeri walked into the dining room for the first time since visitors started coming out to eat carrying a plate of bread rolls. She wore no cloak or armor and her hair was tied back in a ponytail. She had on a tan long-sleeve shirt tucked into a pair of loose-fitting brown pants. The sleeves rolled up to her elbows, showing her scarred arms in all their glory. She wore no shoes, revealing that even her feet were as scarred as the rest of her body. Even dressed as informally as Vaeri was her necklace was still worn for all to see, a thin chain supporting a pendant of a red disk encircled by a serpent. "These are sweet rolls that my mother would make when I was a youngling. I would appreciate it if you tried one." There were about two dozen bread rolls in all, set down next to a plate of pork sausages.