It had taken him a few hours of traveling the streets and tunnels of DC, but Terry finally could see the sprawling aircraft carrier known as Rivet City. As he walked closer, though, he noticed something was off. Like the crashed Vertibird, and the pitmarks and grappling cables along the hull. "What in the hell happened..." Terry whispered to himself. Time to take precautions. Terry pulled out his plasma rifle and activated his suit's cloak. He carefully made his way up to the entrance, only to find that all the guards on the other side were dead, and that the bridge was drawn in. He couldn't get across. Sighing, Terry made his way into the irradiated water. He had often done this late at night, when the guards wouldn't open the drawbridge. Clambering onto the part of the boat that had been sheared away, he looked for the way up. [hr] Five minutes later, he was inside. The first thing he noticed was the smell. His suit wasn't hard-sealed, and the air filtration had long since stopped working. He wondered just what that smell was up until he found the first Enclave bodies. Only mildly surprised, he leaned down and examined the suit and corpse. [i]Electronics are fried, the weapons are inoperative,[/i] he lifted the face plate and grimaced. [i]Bodies are practically melted. Looks worse than me now, hehe.[/i] Slowly, it was coming together. [i]Some kind of EMP fried them, probably took out the Vertibird as well. It must have been one hell of a burst.[/i] Still, he didn't let his guard up until he reached the marketplace. There he saw a few piles of plasmic goo and more bodies of fallen Enclave soldiers. Seems Terry had missed all the fun. He put his rifle back onto the clamp on his back and deactivated his cloak, then walked down from the catwalk he was on. He walked past the people cleaning up, looking for someone who wasn't quite busy. He found that in what appeared to be a Brotherhood of Steel Paladin, who from Terry could tell was overseeing everything. Beside him was a young woman, though she seemed almost as lost as he was. "What the hell happened here? Did the Enclave make an attack?" Terry asked the Paladin.